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efaardvark last won the day on April 7

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  • Favourite Anime
    Lots. Off the top of my head (and in no particular order)...

    Ghost in the Shell
    プラネテス (ΠΛΑΝΗΤΕΣ)
    Any "real" science fiction actually
    Angel Beats!
    Clannad: After Story
    Your Lie In April
    Pet Girl of Sakurasou
    Spice and Wolf
    FLCL (original)
    Any Miyazaki/Ghibli
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
    Space Opera
  • Favourite Character Type


  • Image
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  • Location
    Someplace between Santa Monica and Sedna.
  • Occupation
    Data systems engineer
  • Interests
    reading (SF), electronics, science, engineering, space, computer programming.. and of course anime.
  • Gender

Video Games

  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Kerbal Space Program. Anything that you can craft or build in actually... Minecraft, Valheim, Cities: Skyline, Stardew Valley, Terraria, etc.....
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    GLaDOS, Duke Nukem, Jebediah Kerman
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    PC Master Race - May our frame rates be high and our temperatures low.

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  1. Getting trolled by endermen. Second only to creepers in my book.
  2. Still employed. Found out today that quite a few of my co-workers are not. My group was hit relatively lightly in the first round of layoffs earlier this year due to several upcoming critical events. (Mainly Psyche and then HERA and Europa Clipper just last month.) The 530 people let go that time represented about 9% of the lab's workers overall but only about 3% of that total were from the group I'm in. This time things went the other way. Of the 325 additional people let go yesterday 93 of them - about 28% - were from my group, including several that I worked with on a daily basis.
  3. Just finished Gimai Seikatsu / Days with My Stepsister. Slow, and seemed like the main characters made things harder on themselves than it needed to be. But they worked it out and the ending was satisfactory. Did I say slow? Perhaps "glacial" would be more applicable. It was a bit hard to stick with it through all 12 episodes. Worth a watch but if you're easily bored then you might want to skip this one.
  4. Doing a "required telework" today as I wait for notice as to my status on a "workforce action". I should know by noon if I'm one of the ~325 (~5%) of the workforce at the lab who is "affected". I prefer the old days when there was less weasel-wording. I mean, a layoff is a layoff... tell it to me straight. The ones "let go" are not the only ones "affected" either. I survived the last round. Some of my co-workers did not. I guarantee I was "affected" as well. Think of it as getting your steps in.
  5. I heard today that Dean Hall, creator of DayZ, and RocketWerkz, developers of games like Icarus and Stationeers, are working on a "KSP killer". Been here before so I'm not getting too excited but after digging around a little it sounds like the right people are saying - and maybe even doing - the right things to make something worthy of the description. We'll see. Starting by ditching unity and using their own 3d engine to take advantage of Vulkan and mutiprocessing is a very good start IMHO. Having an 8/16 core CPU and still only getting 30fps and 20% GPU usage because the game engine (Unity, for KSP) can't handle anything more than a single thread is a ridiculous waste of modern hardware and one of my biggest complaints about the original game.
  6. I cleaned the bathroom ceiling. My arms are going to be so sore tomorrow. Probably my back as well.
  7. I thought it might be fun to throw a splash potion of oozing at my flock of chickens. Turns out that was a bad idea for a variety of reasons.
  8. Very windy! And of course around here that means fire danger. Currently the "mountain" fire is burning out of control over in Ventura County near where my aunt and cousins live. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IVoBJ21kgAY&t=337s https://maps.wildfire.gov/sa/#/%3F/%3F/34.2636/-119.0356/11
  9. Got a new shirt from the company store…
  10. Bokura no natsu no yume (Summer Wars ending)
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