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  1. I thought it would be fun to post some of my signatures through the years to show how it's evolved. I don't have a lot of my really early stuff anymore but I did manage to find some. These are from right when I started GFX'ing in the 2008-2009 time period: This was probably about end of 2009 or 2010: I learned what DeviantArt was sometime in 2010 and started following tutorials, so these are probably around late 2010-2012's This was around 2012-2013's And these are probably in the 2015's - 2016s. This is when I started learning more about lightning and effects and C4D's. And this was probably more sometime around my earlier 2017s-2018s times This was getting into the 2019s and 2020s and pretty much up to where I'm at now. And these are my most recents:
    3 points
  2. My latest lil creation is something small & simple for @Animedragon's birthday
    3 points
  3. Oml yes, we live near the airport too, a lot of times planes fly directly over our house A moose could easily be shoved out of one and land on me while I'm on my balcony or walking to classes~! I don't remember it was a weird phone conversation XD Mostly me saying weird things like wondering what the heck the plural word for "moose" is while @Forlorn just sits their laughing prolly thinking "omg why am I on the phone with this crazy person" I don't accept "moose" being the plural of "moose" tbh and I'm going to continue to refer to them as "meese" lmao but.. this does open up whole new questions like if that's true who knows how many moosesmeese could be on a plane being dropped Just thinking about the damage a moose would do being dropped from that height is really concerning ;-;
    3 points
  4. I have to keep everything organized or I get really annoyed and feel crowded lol I haven't started ordering my Sasuke stuff yet, but I do want to get some Sasu/Saku stuff for my school desk that's in my bedroom :3 Thanks ~! I've been working on this desk area for awhile trying to make it like a really cozy/relaxing place but I'm not sure I'm entirely done with the whole set up yet. There are a few more things I wanted to get.
    3 points
  5. Finished the church and moved in 4 clerics.
    3 points
  6. I'm really glad you liked them~! I don't think I posted my new Gaara yet but here he is:
    3 points
  7. Moose on a plane is now becoming a very real fear for me. Should I be scared of moose on a plane? Are moose commonly on planes? Should I be looking upwards towards the sky at all hours of the day for possible dead or living moose to start raining down on me!?!
    3 points
  8. I miss all about that too except the part going to school I don't miss that
    2 points
  9. This Blu-ray disk arrived in the mail today. I watched the film last year on CR, but now I have my own copy which will probably look better than the streamed version.
    2 points
  10. These are all really good and it's interesting to see how your GFX skills have improved over the years.
    2 points
  11. You learn something every day. I wouldn't have thought of using an ice cream cone as a lure for horses, but I do know that it works for seagulls!!! I would have thought that putting an ice cream cone in you back pocket could be quite a messy thing to do, personally I'd rather eat the ice cream cone (before the sea gulls get it) as I wouldn't really know what to do with a horse.
    2 points
  12. God only knows lmao Every time I come on this thread I learn another bewildering fact I didn't even know you could lure a horse with ice cream and I grew up owning a ton of horses @.@
    2 points
  13. He said I should be feeling alright in a couple days but I can't go back to my work studies courses according to my note from the doctor until next Wednesday. I didn't even know it was possible to sprain your neck lol I always thought about that being your ankle or wrist or something. That's the same thing the doctor told me though, that with neck injuries it can take hours, and sometimes even days, before the pain might start. Not sure if I did it when I fell off the boat last week or if it's something else really but he told me to avoid anything that can put a strain on my neck for the next days and keep taking anti-inflammatories and pain meds for now. Look sir, I'm actually trying to because this hurts lol
    2 points
  14. I feel slightly better today. I've been wearing my neck brace and taking turns icing and heating my neck. I just got out of a hot shower soaking on my neck for about 30 minutes and about to put the ice pack back on it. The nice thing about it being almost bedtime is I can take my pain killer again for it and hopefully fall asleep tonight since the pain is down enough where I'm not wanting to scream.
    2 points
  15. I'm glad it's still pretty far away from you because I know these can escalate pretty quickly. I hate seeing anything involving fires since i know how it feels to lose everything in one So I hope you and everyone around you stays safe and all your belongings and homes too. I'm always worried about the wildlife too though when I hear that it's burning through a lot of the forests.
    2 points
  16. We live in strange world where people do strange things and we find new things to worry about that we never knew about before. But I'd really like to know why someone would want to throw a washing machine. Did he perhaps take his wife too literally when she said "throw that old washing machine out" ?
    2 points
  17. I'm happy today. Yesterday I let my neighbour pick a load of apples from my tree, this evening she gave me a home made apple crumble.
    2 points
  18. It's bright and sunny. But what it's like outside depends where you are. If I stand in the sunlight areas it's nice and warm, but in the shadow areas it's definitely chilly.
    2 points
  19. I think my whole day was school. I did get home a little earlier than usual today though so I was able to play some games and unwind a bit, I'll take that where I can get it because I always feel like I don't have a minute to myself on the weekdays. My new little Gaara standee also arrived today, I'll post a pic of him later
    2 points
  20. It warmed up a little today in the low 80s, the morning still was cold and overnight it will be in the 50s again.
    2 points
  21. I went shopping this morning, then did a bit of tidying up in the garden in the afternoon, but didn't get much done because it started raining again.
    2 points
  22. Speaking of AFK'ing, I watched famous YouTubers play horror RPG games while I was doing an AFK skill. I couldn't bear to look at my RS screen for eternity while my character was doing the same thing over and over again. But it's funny because afkable skills actually encourage you to do something else instead of looking at your RS screen for the entire time. At least that's what I feel like. But there are skills that are so slow to level even though you can afk such as smithing. It felt more like a chore or an automatic process while doing something else lmao. I was smithing in Falador and there were so much people doing the same.
    2 points
  23. The weather is great~ Except this morning when going to school it was actually really, really cold. I think it was like 48 or 49F so I had to wear a sweater but by lunchtime it was around 70 and too warm for a sweater so you basically have to wear a t-shirt or something under your sweater this time of year so you can change when it gets warmer in the afternoon lol I think it's supposed to be around the same again in the morning around 49 or 50.
    2 points
  24. Very cute and happy birthday to you AnimeDragon.
    2 points
  25. You're right, this whole thing gets stranger and weirder. Not only do they drop moose poop out of planes they take the trouble to paint numbers on each piece first, surely there must have been something else they could use to paint numbers on. But then again I guess they have lots of meese so there's always a plentiful supply . I don't know much about Alaska but I think it's a fairly sparsely populated area so I guess the game could be played over a wide area, depending on the height the plane flies. I think this is called "being creative" And they do fade away eventually, unless some "influencer" on Tik-Tok decides it's fun then everyone does it, unitl the next crazy stunt comes along. A TV programme about the strange things Earth people do is probably very popular somewhere in the more fashionable arm of the galaxy.
    2 points
  26. That was my logic behind it too. Meese makes more sense to me and sounds hilarious too so I feel like that was a missed opportunity for whoever created the name for moose lmao ~ omGGGG Though LOL Okay I figured the law behind it must be weird, but this is weirder than I imagined I really wanna know how the game of throwing poop out of a plane got started and why they thought poop bingo would be a fun thing to do @.@ I mean maybe there isn't much to do in remote parts of Alaska so this seemed like a good idea XD I almost feel like this article raises more questions than it answers @.@ Now I just feel like I might need to add drunken meese to the list of things I need to watch out for.
    2 points
  27. I think I took too many naps today and now I'm going to have a hard time going to sleep tonight lol Technically I should be going to be around now but I feel wide awake. Luckily tomorrow we don't have work study courses after school, so if I can't fall asleep until later it's not like I'll be out until 9PM anyways and I can come home and take a nap if needed. I don't really feel like I did much today. Just a lazy Sunday, napping, playing a couple games, I did do some laundry so that was a little productive at least I guess lol but I like days like this where it feels like you don't have to do anything quickly and it's just a slow, relaxing day. The weather outside was chilly too and that made it even nicer.
    2 points
  28. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!~~~ Hope your day was really great!
    2 points
  29. Yes like the others said, I hope you stay safe. That looks really bad.
    2 points
  30. Thank you. Yes, I had a good time for the rest of the day. Age as they say is only a number!
    2 points
  31. Leave it to PETA to misunderstand and ban meese poop bingo contests. Though "meese poop bingo contest" is not something I ever thought I would be thinking about The explanation for this law coming into existence is almost more weird than the thought of meese being pushed out of an airplane.
    2 points
  32. Happy birthday! It sounds like you had already a good morning and I hope this continues for your day. You are only as old as you feel anyway.
    2 points
  33. Hot again. And we're on fire. Again. They're calling this one the "line" fire and some evacuations have already been ordered. Not really near me atm but it is in the national forest area and growing so I'm keeping an eye on it. I can already smell the smoke when I go outside but at these temps I don't intend to do that unless I absolutely have to.
    2 points
  34. For me the worst and most overrated genre is isekai, closely followed by harem series.
    2 points
  35. Today is my birthday, so I'm feeling happy. Everyone sang Happy Birthday to me after church this morning which was embarrassing, but quite nice really. The only slight downside of another birthday is that my mind thinks I'm 27 while my body reminds me that I'm 72 .
    2 points
  36. I agree, if the plural of "mouse" is "mice" why isn't the plural of "moose" "meese"? How many meese you can fit on a plane would depend of the size of the plane. I started asking myself what had happened that caused such a law to be introduced in the first place and Mr. Goole offered me this article, the first two paragraphs may go some way to explaining, almost, everything. https://www.montecitojournal.net/2022/06/28/its-illegal-in-alaska/ It also makes me think that there could be some very strange people in Alaska for coming up with such a very weird and strange pastime. I also noted that it's illegal to serve a moose alcohol, which makes sense because a herd of drunken meese could cause quite a lot of property damage.
    2 points
  37. Holy crap, I think I'm dying from laughing too much. lmfao I was just laughing because y'know how easily I am for basically anyone to get me to laugh. lol So, given that, I'm most likely still the crazy one here. I mean, since crazy people never call themselves crazy, if I call myself crazy then I can't really be crazy, right? rofl
    2 points
  38. @Sasuke This seems almost as like every conversation I have had with Serey ever, nothing out of the ordinary there I have heard every law is based in an incident that happened and realized they needed a law for. If that is true then there must have been a lot of incidents of moose being pushed from planes, enough to warrant a law about it. The Alaskans seem to have maybe got ahead of this very real threat to us all by banning it. You and Serey seem to have good reasons to be concerned and we might all want to take this threat a little more serious.
    2 points
  39. The invoice from my dentist.
    2 points
  40. I don't think you need to worry, all your art work turns out really nicely. This piece looks good too.
    2 points
  41. Oh nice setup! It looks really cozy
    2 points
  42. It's warm here today at 25c. It's going to rain later so it's also cloudy.
    2 points
  43. Nice. And your desk is so neat and tidy, mine's a total mess!!
    2 points
  44. I think the big question is why does such a law exist anyway? Was it something that happened often in Alaska that the government wanted to stop happening. You've got me worried now, it's only illegal to throw a moose out of a plane in Alaska and as I live near London's Heathrow airport and often have planes flying over my house I'm now going to be watching carefully to see if someone throws a moose out of one of them. Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid a falling moose?
    2 points
  45. Thank you~! I was worried about the end result because I felt like I got a little lost in making it and wasn't entirely sure if I liked or disliked the ending result. Thanks!~ Clannad is really good and has a really good story even though it's sad lol EEE Tyty Pessikinators <333
    2 points
  46. Yeah ofc, that's why I didn't put up much of a fight about it lol fOAMING AT THE MOUTH WHAT I will HIT YOU lmaooo My arms still sore today but not as bad as yesterday. My pretty okay roommate @Zeref got me my fave chicken sammichs tonight so I'm pretty happy about that u.u The colder weather is making me feel a lot better and I haven't had headaches from the heat in awhile.
    2 points
  47. My main question is why they would throw out an alive moose from the airplane anyway. I think if throwing a moose out of an airplane at any height the fall would kill it. Even a dead moose too for that matter, why would you have this in an airplane and be shoving it out of it lol.
    2 points
  48. I played some more in FFX today. I finished going through the desert area and arrive at the Home area of Rikku where it is being attacked. Went through the cut scenes with the chimera attacks and to learn why the Al Bhed are kidnapping summoners and why they kidnapped Yuna. Went through the scenes of getting on the airship and flying off, watching the Home of the Al Bhed be destroyed and now I am on board of the airship and you learned that Yuna is kidnapped by Seymour and in Bevelle. I am stopped at the part where I am about to go outside the airship on the roof and fight a boss monster Evrae.
    2 points
  49. Sadly I have seen worst happen when we were in Chicago. This types of entitled people seems almost norm lately. Today I took my gift card, went back to Starbucks, didn't have anything dumped on me and spent my card getting coffees for @Sakura, our neighbors, and the front desk workers at our apartments concierge. It felt nice to turn a negative experience around into doing something positive that made peoples day a little better if only for a minute. I also finished ahead of schedule on this project for work and we were able to take the afternoon off to get started earlier on the weekend. I was working out on the outside roof area for awhile but it started to rain and I had to call it quits for today since it looks like rain the rest of the evening. Instead I went to play FFX and some other games.
    2 points
  50. I agreed with him, I think it was better for you to go and get this done. I would rather be safe than find you foaming at the mouth one morning when we wake up Today I got off of work earlier because the project was doing was finished ahead of schedule, we took the rest of the afternoon off. It is nice to get started to the weekend early.
    2 points
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