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Posts posted by Amakari

  1. Hello Veaz, nice to meet you as well. Yes do have some experience playing on forums and such. Also, of course, meeting new people is the best part about forums... Lots of new friends yay. :P

  2. Yay thank you Drill... :P Of course I will love it here!!!

    Um, no manga not so much, but have read Elfen Lied of course. Lol... Favorite genre of music is weird... But its Pagan/Medieval Folk music mostly. Punk/Ska, Techno, nightcore. Something like that. :P

  3. Awww thank you. I do not mind romance anime, is main reason I like Elfen Lied so much. :P So guess romance is a genre I will enjoy watching. :P Thank you for suggestions. Probably will try, Toradora first.. But eventually all of them I think. Thanks again.

  4. I have played... Wait lets see...


    Perfect World



    Infestation Survivor Stories

    Echo Of Soul

    Final Fantasy XIV

    Rusty Hearts

    Lineage II


    Black Gold



    Ehh, I can't remember other ones.. Lol... Quit them all mostly because I got bored... My favorites were Rift, Perfect World, and Lineage II though. Just stopped playing Echo Of Soul today though. :/ That end game grind though. :P And those survival mmos are very very fun. Mostly quit playing because my computer decided that it was time to break. :/

  5. Honestly am not even sure my favorite genre, really am willing to watch anything... I know a lot of people don't like it, but my favorite is probably Elfen Lied right now lol... First, and only one I have really seen...:?


    But in other things, like horror a lot... Sorry can't be much more help, is silly I don't know what I like... :'(

  6. Found this while searching for anime forums on the internet, decided to join yay. :P Am mostly new to anime, so the best way to learn more about it, is to join a community full of others who enjoy it, while I watch it. Hehehe. Anyways, glad to be here, hope to make some new friends, and find more amazing anime. :P Enjoy your day/night.

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