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Posts posted by neko_fish

  1. Hate fanservice when anime has too much of it. Hentai is kind of the thing I hate even more. I like the story of HSOTD and as for me, it has the best collection of unique interesting characters. Fanservice does not spoils the impression what is strange. But that is not hentai sure.

  2. I am watching SAO currently. The first season is over and it was fantastic. 

    I'd like to watch next two seasons, but I'm afraid Asuna will suffer again.

    Well, it's time to ask for spoilers (yeah, I'm strange). 

    So, write me please if Asuna is going to suffer or not. Very worried about her.

  3. I am a very big fan of survival games of any kind - shooters, strategies, simulators. There are two things I highly appreciate in games - good plot and graphics. 

    I usually surf through the Internet every 2-3 days to find new products and announcements of survival games. Fortunately, there are so many sites with good and up-to-date gaming news!

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