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Posts posted by NapHime

  1. Hiya,

    We all start somewhere and I know that life-stuff can get in the way of bingeing 100 episodes of nim a week. Please don't feel bad that you've not watched everything on MAL!

    Welcome to Anime Forums!

  2. My dream dream cosplay is Maka Albarn from Soul Eater with the scythe (image below is not me)


    Out of the options you give, the first. I'm a sucker for characters who do Japanese martial arts (former Kendo student)


    • Awesome (Sugoi) 1
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  3. Find associations. I had a tutor who would tell us things like "ku looks like Pacman, and he makes a kukukuku sound". You could probably look online if you struggle with that for any of them, or I have an amazing book which does it for each and every hiragana and katakana called "Japanese HIRAGANA & KATAKAN for Beginners" by Timothy G. Stout

  4. 4 hours ago, Xyro said:

    *Takes blanket and pillow* 


    *Immediately curls up in a blanket cocoon and hibernates*

    Nap well!

    *Leaves milk and cookies for when they wake up*

    3 hours ago, Nova said:

    Im a friendly potato ghost like casper

    Then I definately for sure do like you

    • Aww 1
    • Cool (Kakkoii) 1
  5. 18 minutes ago, Xyro said:

    *Bursts in wearing old traditional PJ's and a night cap*

    I heard it was nap time! why didn't anyone invi.....

    ....what, NapHime you say?

    Oh.... well..... Hi..... welcome to the forum!

    *Gives you a pillow and a blanket*

    It's always nap time!

    Yes that's me.

    Hiya, thank you for the welcome!

    • Awesome (Sugoi) 1
  6. 9 hours ago, Seshi said:

    HI there @NapHime welcome to Anime Forums. I hope you enjoy your time here. Feel free to add us to your daily rotation of hobbies 😉

    Hiya, thank you for the welcome. I'm sure I will and have no doubts that will happen 😋


    9 hours ago, Ohiotaku said:

    Geez Louise, how do you find time to nap with all those “hobbies” (sounds too much like work to me 🤣) But sounds like you enjoy what you do, so good on you.


    Hope you can find some time to hang out here and find it enjoyable as well.


    Weeeeell I may or may not have become familiar with my chair 😂 But I do, it gives me a sense of achievment someone might appreciate it even if they're not thinking they appreciate it


    I'm sure I can find time to add forums in there, it'll be my "socialable" activity

    8 hours ago, Nova said:

    I welcome you to af let me intro myself im Nova the ghostly potato of this site and a pleasure to meet you

    Thank you for the welcome, it's lovely to meet you too

    8 hours ago, Seshi said:

    Nova! You must stop haunting the noobies, you’re gonna scare em away... sheesh

    *dusts off hands after pushing ghost outside*

    There there @NapHime you’ll be fine here, I promise.

    I like ghosts!


    4 hours ago, SanguineTear said:

    It's fiiiiine, fear builds character, maybe~

    Anyways welcome to AF, I hope you enjoy your time here~!

    Ahaha, oh gee, Nova can't be that scary, right? They seem pretty time. I'm a bit of a scaredy cat though

    Thank you for the welcome, I'm sure I will!

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  7. I'm a weeb/nerd/geek and a huge procrastinator. And napper.

    My internet hobbies are spending all my time on Steam adding to my wishlist, collecting steam badges to get backgrounds, emoticons and get past lvl something or other, writing late reviews and probably pointless guides, then on to Zooniverse classifying penguins and squirrels, digitalizing weather reports and transcribing the personal papers of British-born and emigre artists, then on to Fandom half-creating Wikis, on to osuStuff tagging avatars. And rinse and repeat.

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