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Posts posted by Sam

  1. I kid you not, I have over 30 games that I either started playing and didn't finish, or just didn't start at all. Off the top of my head, I know Child of Light is on the list, along with Pokémon Sun/ Heart Gold/ Leaf Green, Crash Purple & Spyro Orange, Final Fantasy III, To The Moon, and lord knows how many other games that I can't remember. Despite some titles being old, these are games that I got pretty recently.

  2. I would like to share some thoughts. This first one has more to do with the website itself rather than the community. If there is no concern accepting money from users, I would suggest adding a donation button. Forums often entice donors with small perks that keep a balance within regular members, as to not create an elite group, and to maintain the image of the donation. One perk that I've seen allows a donor to access a private forum, created specifically for them. Any other perk is mostly cosmetic, such as a custom usertitle, or a colored username.


    My second suggestion also has to do with the website. A few days ago I noticed that this website doesn't have a favicon, or at least, it isn't showing for me. I think that a favicon would make the website look more consistent, and would help create a better first impression to a user that's deciding whether they want to join or not. It's a small detail that one would think doesn't matter, but it's the little things that mean the most.


    Finally, I would like to add an event to the suggestions from before, regarding competitions and gaming gatherings. I believe that a movie night is worthy of being in the list. A movie night has the potential to be successful on its own, not counting the possibility of branching out from movies, to watch series. Similarly, music rooms can be created, and people can join to listen to each others music. Two websites that I can think of that would allow this are rabb.it and plug.dj.

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