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About this blog

This blog is made for the purpose of getting things off my mind. My mind is a cluster of a mess, therefore this is "The Cluster". 

All are welcome to leave feedback or participate in discussion. I encourage it. Make me think a bit more.

I look forward to seeing what this becomes. Hopefully, the cluster becomes slowly more organized.

Entries in this blog

New Year, New You?

As the new year begins, what do people tend to say as they strive to accomplish their resolutions? "New year, new me!" But in reality, does that ever happen?    Most people give up after a month or two. Or sometimes, people quit within a week. But who can blame them? Besides, you have to work for the 'new you'. It doesn't happen as soon as the new year starts. So really, why is there such a saying if no one ever accomplishes it? People may accomplish their goal



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