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Raining Cats & Dogs



Mother nature seriously needs to get back on her bipolar meds because it's beginning to give me whiplash.

First we get crazy snowstorms this year up until May and now we are dealing with mudslides, road buckling, power outages, severe flooding, fires starting all because of this severe heat wave (which is why we have been having storms all week thus, the mudslides and flooding). I'm honestly surprised more people have not died from this, especially the elderly. I'm also surprised I haven't been hospitalized this year as of yet because of this heat and high humidity. I can handle the cold quite well (I should be able to since I'm from WI) but as for the heat, I sadly cannot. No matter how much water I consume I just can't stay hydrated during the summer and normally I end up in the hospital because of it. I'm definitely not looking forward to this summer, ew. 


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