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I figured it would be important to introduce this blog before I actually just go forth and post. Although, how essential is an actual intro when you aren't really sure what you'll be posting? 

Yes, there will be random posts of artwork. Yes, I will probably vent some frustrations when dealing with a piece. I assume, I will probably leave some insight as to what has worked for me during a piece or not. IF that ever comes up (and that is totally dependent on whether or not I post more than sketches).

I suppose, it would be up to you - the reader, as to where this should go. 

Please let me know if a work interests you, if you're curious how it was done, if you would like to know my process, if you have any questions about products I use, how I use them, and or any general statements. 

Art critics are welcome, will it be acknowledged? Maybe, maybe not every time, but I will read it nonetheless ^^v

If this doesn't go anywhere and I ghost you all. Please forgive me. 

- Nyx

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