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Nyxnine last won the day on March 20 2020

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  • Favourite Anime
    The Vision of Escaflowne, Oh My Goddess!, Kill La Kill, Full Metal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Cowboy Bebop, Gurren Lagann, Steins Gate, Gundam Seed, Serial Experiments Lain, Haibane Renmei, Chobits, Sword Art Online, Your Name, Anything Studio Ghibli, Weathering With You, Violet Evergarden, Noragami, Black Butler, Anohana, Ouran High School Host Club, Grave of the Fireflies, Skip Beat!, World's Greatest First Love, Beyond the Boundary, Inuyasha, Darker Than Black, The Garden of Words, Excel Saga, Cells at Work!, Sailor Moon, ....way to many to name :P
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
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  • Interests
    Art, gaming, reading

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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    League; Capcom Vs Marvel
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Soraka; Morgana
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    PC, Playstation

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  1. Hello , been a long time :) 

  2. I hope the writing process is going well!!! Stoked to see this published one day
  3. Haven't been on in awhile, BUT YES post your work It's always exciting to see different styles...watch people grow. I hope you enjoy the forums!! ^^- and thanks for the shout out @Wedgy
  4. I can't see why not I'm barely active as well. Ahh, same, art school and color wheels and countless hours trying to get the pigments *just right* Also, agree with the realization that black isn't *just* black. Especially when doing things with watercolor. I felt the same with painting skin tones too....using blues really threw me for a loop in the beginning. hahaha It is interesting how it can take so many years to get to know things about your partner. I knew a guy who was color blind, and knew only because I tried playing snooker with him and a group of friends way back in the day. He couldn't tell which balls to hit and had to ask. I wouldn't have known otherwise. ALSO, that is awesome about the colorblind specs. I used to work in Optical and was asked about them but the only supplier I had known about was a city away. I like watching those videos on youtube, like reveal videos, where a spouse gets a set for their husband. (Higher rates of colorblindness in men). It is sweet that you were able to do this for him and witness that reaction first hand. Definitely a moment to cherish. I agree though, I do think people take advantage of how well they can see the color spectrum. Kind of reminds me of that gold or pink dress meme.
  5. Doing a summer clean up of my profile. Disconnecting a bit.  

    I'm sorry for being a bad friend =-= I hope everyone is safe and keeping in good spirits. 


    1. Ohayotaku


      It can hard to stay active. I sometimes struggle to come up things to say, other times ramble for a half hour only to delete it without posting because I can’t make it sound “right”. And then other times just post what popped into my mind whether it’s worthwhile or not :P 

      Besides all that, we’re definitely living in stange times. Hope you’re doing well too 

    2. Nyxnine


      Hard to come up with things to say, hard to agree with what you are saying, but, I think hardest to keep up with your post once you've added it. 

      I feel like I just am lurking the forums and reading when I have the spare time, with no energy to jump in. I'm happy that it is active enough at least. Checking reviews definitely a plus.

  6. I have quite a few friends and acquaintances IRL who like anime. This wasn't always the case, I think I found most of these friends late in HS, some from different jobs I have worked and also from University. It is nice to find those IRL who you can relate to and discuss upcoming shows with. That being said, most of our tastes have changed, and a lot of us have moved further apart (literally and metaphorically). IRL is nice especially if you are interested in going to conventions. We have a pretty good generic comic con here which I liked attending. I'm a huge artist alley fan and having others with you to enjoy that is always a plus.
  7. I was going to say france but, for some reason I thought this was wrong and googled it. I am guessing you are from France? @mynameisjohncrichton but Croissants had been invented in Austria so I wasn't sure XD I wanted to make this somewhat difficult.... How about Beaver Tails?
  8. I wonder why you decided to make violet. It really is a pretty color and the psychology behind the color is rather interesting. I might be a bit biased though, I used to love reds. Violet is a bit more on the blue side but became my favorite color and is a lot more relaxed in comparison.. Anyways, hopefully you will figure out how to mix the colors properly. But, you shouldn't hold out on a perfect blend, the best combinations don't have an exact science and come from trial and error. Their sketch book probably had some pretty ugly blotches in it. I know mine does when it comes to paint swatches. I think people often look for an easier way to get to the same thing, but you're right in acknowledging the journey in the process while getting to the final piece. I think a lot of artists need to step back and stop over analyzing their work or they fall into an issue of overworking projects, such as in painting, muddying colors by accident because they just keep trying to fix something that is good enough as it is. It really is hard when timing is off. It sounds like you wanted to learn a lot more about this person. At least you know where the shop is. I think stumbling through a persons sketch book if it wasn't out in the open to be reviewed would be wrong. It sounds like this one was open for feedback though. It is interesting to see how people change and view themselves over the years and why this is important to them. I have something similar that I look at when I am feeling down or confused, it is like a home away from home to me. It is almost a reminder to the things I wanted to change, what wasn't changed, what had changed. Some of the entries are very short, some had been erased, and some I wish I could erase but think they are better reminders even if they bother me. Most of the entries are quotes for when I am depressed. Maybe the artist left them out because like you said, they are lonely, and are hoping someone will catch that or maybe they just didn't think anyone cared enough to look. If you really are curious about something you should inquire. However, you shouldn't dwell on it for to long or it can run imaginations wild...I don't know though, if their new note worried you, maybe you should ask, especially if you have concerns that something else might be wrong. By adding your presence into someone's life though....I don't think you taint their life, you can't color theory yourself in there lol, you might shake up how they go about mixing is all I think though, with a lot of people right now, especially because of how covid impacted a lot of us, are feeling lonely. Connecting with others helps this a lot, caring for others, reaching out to people....are all very important ways to deal with loneliness. Maybe reaching out and being friends with them is a good idea. Anyways, it sounds like you do need more blue though. Maybe you will see the shop owner again, or, maybe someone else will be working.Hard to say how this would impact your views on the shop. At least you can always go back and try catching up with them again. Anyways, I'd be curious if you were colorblind. Sounds more like difficulties seeing shade variations though. It's nice having such a large community of people to talk to on here though no? So don't get to lonely yourself.
  9. Memories, really missing traveling right now.
  10. Oh, well...awesome ^^v can't wait for the next one.
  11. Haha timing. I think @Shejoestar has won @Seshi which I'm totally okay with considering they won my vote too Thanks for putting on the competition though. I enjoyed it
  12. Before meeting you, I didn't know what it was like to feel lonely. I never even considered myself to be alone. That's because when you feel lonely, it means that there is someone for you to miss. - Nanami, Bokura Ga Ita
  13. This is so creepy and so cool 0_0 I wonder if someone super sweet made templates that mimic this. I feel like you could also find some pretty neat 3D printer templates 0_0
  14. I can't delete my quote on my phone bwahahah, either way. You are so cool! Those are such awesome interests and hobbies. I feel like we have a lot in common haha I love finding used bookstores, antiquing and thrift stores too. There's one in my city that has a huge collection of classic magazines. They're interesting to browse though. Also yesss introduce your dogs soon :3 I feel like I'd totally want to befriend you IRL if we ever met. You are like a lot of my close friends lol.
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