Greetings and salutations AF.
I am posting this here, because I am not sure it would be appropriate to post out in the open (I will leave that for others to decide).
The last few months have been exceptionally busy. When you consider everything that 2020 has provided many of us, that's not a hard feat to believe. May saw an extended need for being out of the office, a rise in civil unrest, and other things that threw monkey wrenches into my planning left and right. June exacerbated that, and by July things had formally evolved into something entirely different. We got slammed with two natural disasters this year, and are still recovering from the first. It's been a rollercoaster ride for sure.
With that being said, I've had research requests piling up on my own site, projects that need to be done, and have also taken up Twitch streaming. In the midst of that, I also started a second set of classes, added a jet pilot training course to my load, and formally accepted a mod slot in a Discord server for an L.A. based voice actress. Shortly after I got brought on as an IP Advisor for her, and have since been doing a bunch of things behind the scenes. Therein lies the problem - this is in addition to what I'm already doing. The autopilot nature of AF - at least as it has seemed - has thusly been shoved way to the back of my mind.
With that being said, I am stepping back from AF on the web site. I will continue to provide support in the Discord server if wanted, but I don't find it much fair to AF to be labeled a mod if I'm not really doing anything mod-like.
Of course, you all can continue to reach out to me over there on Discord, or any of my site-related points of contact - but as for AF proper, I probably won't be around all that much.
Good luck, and god speed!