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Sasuke last won the day on January 3

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  • Favourite Anime
    Detective Conan, Trigun, Inuyasha, Death Note, Pokemon, Fairy Tail, Bleach, K, Bakemonogatari, Steins Gate, Naruto, Kill La Kill, One Piece, Code Geass
  • Favourite Genres
  • Favourite Characters
    Monkey D. Luffy, Saitama, Sasuke, L, Mikoto Suoh
  • Favourite Character Type
    Tsundere - Set 3


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  • Interests
    Hiking, Biking, Football, Anime, Manga, Photography, Anthropology
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Zelda, Red Dead, Grand Theft Auto, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, Overwatch, The Last Of Us
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Link, Kratos, Sephiroth, Sonic, Toad
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Playstation, Switch and X-Box

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Mentor (12/14)

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  1. Nice work on those icons and nice work on slapping Pessi.
  2. Are you enjoying that snow or hating it?
  3. Sasuke


    I have yet to see a real response from Jagex unless I missed it? I saw that they retracted the survey and apologized but no word on what's actually going to happen?
  4. I am when the person on the other end of the video call isn't screaming whilst getting on the floor to huddle in the fetal position screaming, "ALOIS!! ALOIS IS ON FIRE!!" in my ear I'm as perplexed at this as you are because for as long as I've known Sere she doesn't like hot drinks, tea, coffee, etc. I have no idea where this sudden interest to make tea came from, but I think it has to do with Alois
  5. Cloudy with some wind. I think it's going to rain later tonight.
  6. That's very pretty Serey, nice job. Colours are beautiful and I always love your design style the best.
  7. I did my best but you were burning water and I can't begin to know how you accomplished that
  8. Because it was the funniest mess I've seen in awhile lol I've just woken up and had a very good night sleep so I'm feeling ready to be at work.
  9. Sasuke


    I could handle it for that price but I'm not paying £26 for a 2007 based game or £35 for customer support. I pay £10 x2 right now for my main and my alt which I'm willing to do. The initial proposal of having to pay even more for an alt than your main was the most ridiculous proposal I've ever heard for a game. If anything, you should be allowed so many alts attached to your main and they should be included in your main membership price. Just about every game lets you make so many characters on one account and they all fall under your mems.
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