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Geano last won the day on May 17 2021

Geano had the most liked content!


  • Favourite Anime
    Way to many to chose ^-^
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    to many
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  • Location
    the Internet
  • Occupation
    Computer science
  • Interests
    Anime, Manga, Writing, Drawing, Computers, Coding, Graphics, Video Games, Learning

Video Games

  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Persona, Tales Of, SMT, Kingdom Hearts, Sonic, Most things Mario, Pac Man, Donkey Kong Country, Minecraft, and many more
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    Sonic, Mario, Crash, Banjo, DK, Conker, Diddy Kong, Kirby, Cloud, Sora, Riku, Peach, Yoshi, Mega Man, Star Fox, and many more.
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Nintendo Lineup, Sony Lineup

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  1. Its warmer then it has been though it was below zero for a while.
  2. It is a bit colder these days though far as I can see it will be a short winter knock on wood.
  3. I am currently watching Claymore. Not to sure what I will be watching next.
  4. Hello and welcome to AF hope you enjoy it here, and hope to see you around.
  5. Hello there and welcome back to AF. Hope you enjoy your time here with us. Hope to see around.
  6. Hope it works out well for you.
  7. Pot lucks are always fun no matter the occasion as then everyone contributes. Yes this year will be much the same for xmaas too most likely.
  8. This year my parents literally brought food, and I ate it with just me, and my partner since COVID is still a thing.
  9. Today I played little Dead by daylight with the new DLC was pretty cool.
  10. Its bit warm no snow on the ground keeps melting though will soon enough I am sure.
  11. They're a good manufacture thats for sure. If your wondering about some more budget brands may consider something like TCL as they are somewhat disrupting the market. They certainly aren't Samsung, but they tend to have good chipsets as well as decent I/O too given the pricing.
  12. Software design they used looks a bit better from what I have seen. I defiantly like it. I'm sure its more secure, and performs a bit better too.
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