Tea trying + tea collection
Hello fellow anime loves and otakus today we are looking at my tea collection, you can thank @Kirika_Madeleine for giving me the courage to share.
A really important part of collecting anything is not about the quantity that you have it in but rather the care you put into it, I have found what works best for me to care for this collection is keeping it in a small basket with most of the items and ingredients I like to use to make my tea.
I like to keep it organized, by putting the tea in small containers with labels. Sometimes I don’t have the right container or space so it stays in the bags it comes in. The storage situation is temporary until I can afford to buy a shelf and nice glass bottles to store the teas in.
The contents:
The basket contains 5 different teas, and 2 seasonings. The more citrusy/fruity teas are Sinfully Cherry and ROYGBIV which have a green tea base. My middle ground tea which is slightly flowery and slightly warm is the Jasmine Pearls which are only green tea. My fully warm/festive teas are Warm Bread Pudding and Vanilla Pecan Oolong, which both have a base of black tea.
brewing + tasting:
I have a cup with a filter but the holes make the wet tea leaves seep through so I like to put a coffee filter full of leaves to help prevent the leaves from going into my mouth, but if you do do this be warned pour the hot water slowly because it takes longer for it to go through (I learned that the hard way by pouring boiling water on my self at one point).
I tried the tea with different items plainly but I did add too many tea leaves the instructions call for 14grams but I used 28 whoops and it says to let steep for 5min, I let it steep for 3 min. The tea tastes good with cookies and fruit strips, but I think the fruit strips tastes better because it goes with the tart, fruity, flavor of the drink.
The overall taste of the tea is very strong using a copious combination of fruits it is names after all the colours in the rainbow so it makes sense. The colour of the liquid its self is a deep purple but when swatched on the napkin is a light pinky purple. There is an overpowering taste of pomegranate in the tea mixed with some more sour elements.
alight thank you
I was a little sick today so I over poured the tea, :’>
Edited by Otaku
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