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Posts posted by Ishtar

  1. 1 & 2 yes, I have never finished the side games though. They didn't feel 'right'.


    I am dying for them to put 3 out.... But I am not holding my breath (or on a sequel for The World Ends With You which was also fantastic!)

    • Like 2
  2. I think the SAO arc was too short. Also, I felt that it was a little too relationship based.


    I felt cheeted in that there was in my opionion very little exploration of the world and any real feel of MMORPG.


    The MMORPG basis felt very... token?


    Fight scenes were minimal and all relationship based mostly, not many epic battles or anything.



    What I think I felt most annoyed about was Yui. I get why she was there and important but it annoyed me still. They had their time playing mummy and daddy, ignoring getting home and


    Then to cut the darn series at episode 15 to go to ALfheim!!! From potentially serious to what amounted to fluff in comparison.


    The entire second half was on the boarder of pissing me off big time.


    Kirito/Leafa plot was WAY too obvious, Asuna was turned into a helpless princess in need of Mario, the way they portrayed all relationships in the last half was just wrong >>;


    What is it with the family love that the Japanese are obsessed with? Why did Sugou have to be SOOOO creepy and plain disgusting?


    I find it also incredibly hard to belive his sister did NOT know his screen name, since i am sure it would have been plastered all over the news and such.



    Basically I liked the first half, even though I wanted more fighting. I really got iritated the second half and didn't really enjoy it.


    I hadn't watched expecting it to be so shojo, I would have watched something else if I wanted fluff. I expected it to be more Noir, Evangelion, Bebop... Just more action.


    EDIT: On second thought, I realised that my reaction to this has been similar to a lot of the newer shows I have watched... maybe that is why I watch very little now-a-days.


    The shows that try to blur the shojo/shonen lines seem to fail more... maybe I am just getting too old lol

  3. Lauren Faust (...) Big fan of My Little Pony.

    She did a wonderful job re-inventing MLP.


    Ranbow Dash FTW, even though Twilight is my theoretical soul mate =P


    So how about everyone else?


    My life since in bullets:

    • Managed a book store
    • I am a qualified library technician (though now with move it probably won't get used for a while... if still in Sydney heaps of jobs, here not so much =(
    • I recently quit the book store
    • Darkstorm got a job transfer
    • We have moved and bought a house
    • Was asked to become a godmother to my cousin's daughter (baptism on Sunday)
    • I am now engaged to Darkstorm
    • And I have a job interview for somewhere I don't really want to work at today (but with a house/morgtage money is money for now).

  4. Brunei, due to their own pace of life, is freakingly slow. My former boss once got attached to the Brunei office and he once told me, he waited one hour for just a packet of fries. He couldn't do anything about it, cause everybody was waiting just like him, simply because its their way of life.

    An hour means it is no longer 'fast food'. Restaurant would be faster! lol

  5. <blockquote class="ipsBlockquote" data-author="Optic" data-cid="1788" data-time="1358353185]

    • How often do you go to the Cinema?
    • Typical pricing to see a movie?
    • Do you usually buy food and drink from the Candy Bar?
    • Ever experienced a disruption? (e.g. fire alarm, technical fault)
    • Your most favourite movie at the Cinema?



    Your most favourite movie at the Cinema?

    District 9. It was the only film I've watched in the Cinema twice, and again on Bluray. It was that good. ;)



    • Depends on what we want to see and how soon. I admit we are rather naughty in this house so not as much as should
    • in Sydney, $17-$18.50 for Event. Where we have just moved it appears that our closest/easiest to get to one is a standard adult price of $8.50-$11.50 3D (also Event... weird that)!
    • Slurpy after raiding Woolies/Supermarket
    • both of the mentioned actually
    • Tangled or Wall.E (I really am an adult I swear. Just Disney/Pixar usually gets me to fork out the actual money lol)

    It was that good you have seen 3 times, or that good you saw in the cinema twice?



  6. Occasionally, with Dark but not often any more.


    Mostly Boardelands 2, or Torchlight 2 for co-op atm with us.


    Still do TF2 occasionally with a friend and her gaming group/guild thing on their private server.

  7. Whoa, dropping the edumacation on tea there. Impressive.


    Me? I know a bit, but never really researched. I do have an eye on a tea history though :blush:


    I do have a tea plant though. Camellia sinensis.


    I managed to get a very sick one from a nursery for $1. It was very, very sick though. Much better but it appears will never grow big enough for me to harvest (since tea is from all the new foliage). Maybe once we transplant to the ground (or buy a new healthy one).


    Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


    English breakfast tea, full cream milk, two sugars is my absolute favourite tea. :D


    One to one and a bit depending on how well steeped/brewed =)


    Unless it is ages, two is too sweet :P

    • Like 1
  8. To be honest, it is almost always plot which I will go for. Even if it is written badly, I will love a book because of the plot.


    There have been a few exceptions that have irked me too much to finish or be saved by the plot, but not so many.


    I guess this came from uni when I had to read 'good' books and I soon became too hung up on how 'well written' they were that I actually stopped enjoying them (couldn't read for 6mths after I finished).


    I think you need to connect on a level, and there is no right answer to what makes a good book, because everyone has different tastes...


    I will read books due to good writing style, but it is always the plot that drives me. My escape.


    I will admit to liking some urban fantasy that is trashy (in the writing style) but I love the ideas behind them.


    I will say though... If there is too much or graphic a romance in the plot, no matter how good the rest of it is that can ruin it for me. I am slowly getting in touch with my 'chic lit/romance' side... but still a struggle.

  9. Sorry it has taken so long.... A LOT happening at the moment!!!


    Be warned guys that a lot of my books will be fantasy or have touches of in most cases (for instance the first two)


    Please note!! I suck at reviews!


    When God Was A Rabbit by Sarah Winman:


    This book is a fascinating look at relationships. If you can not suspend disbelief then this is not the book for you.


    Elly gets pet rabbit and calls it God. There is only one person in the class who thinks that is a fantastic idea which is the new transfer student Jenny Penny.


    Fast becoming friends Elly & Jenny embark on a fanciful friendship. that stretches over the period of about 20 years in the book.


    A rather serious novel that uses humor to alleviate some of the confronting issues.


    All is not what you necessarily assume it to be.


    Myself and 2 other staff love this book. 1 being a sci-fi reader, the other more general/literary tastes.



    Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern:


    My new favourite!


    I guess to first put the disclaimer it is a book that drags, has more description than it appears most people like (if you pay head to reviews) and if you follow reviews, some people call the characters boring (more on that after).


    Set in a Victorian London era, two magicians enter into a duel of sorts. Each is to pick a student/competitor to go into the duel. The location is to be a traveling circus.


    Le Cirque des Rêves is only open after sun down, and the entire affair is to be strictly black, white and shades of grey. The shows? From the mundane (though magically enhanced) to the impossible.


    Travel through the Night Circus and see the sights and sounds of this monochromatic world. See the circus unfold as mysteries slowly slide into place and what is obscured becomes visitable.


    The plot is slow, detailed (almost painfully so) but essential to the story.

    One thing I feel that is essential to and enjoying read is to make sure that you read it as a whole, do not try and separate things. It is in this case i find comments about The circus IS the main characters, while they seem flat, their personality is showed and enhanced by the circus itself).



    If you are going to try only one, I personally think the Night Circus is the best choice because I am so utterly besotted with the idea. I would follow it around the world if I could <3

  10. Unfortunately Maccas has the habit of adding new shinny items that taste really good. Then once they are a hit they start short cutting/cost cutting it.


    Deli choice rolls I used to LOVE. Their chicken Caesar was great. Then it went to plain lettuce instead of the mixed, then changed to the wrap and adding more sauce than filling.


    Then they turn crap. Nearly always happens.

  11. Ah, the perfect person to make a first (but not lay I hope) post I guess.


    Post novels that you reccomend and why!


    I will either edit or do a new entry later when I get home with mine =)


    From you community bookworm/library technician/bookseller/bibliophile!

  12. Most of mine are depressing ones... More like lost love songs (wonder what that says about me eh?) :S


    Some that could be classed as love songs from my misc. fav iPod list:


    • You Belong to Me - Taylor Swift
    • Dinosaur - Kisschasy
    • Absolutely (Story of a Girl) - Nine Days
    • Bleeding in Love - Leona Lewis
    • Leader of the Pack - The Shangri-La's
    • Smile - Avril Lavigne
    • Wish You Were Here - Blackmore's Night
    • Two Out of Three Ain't Bad - Meatloaf
    • I Just Died in Your Arms Tonight - Richard Marx
    • Love Story - Taylor Swift
    • 20 Good Reasons - Thirsty Merc
    • I Want You to Love Me - Letters to Cleo


    Love Story by Taylor Swift I think I only love because of the video clip.... That is all I can think of when I hear it. Such a lovely video.

  13. Tea, iced for first preference.


    Hot tea I go with English breakfast, peach infused or a few other 'specialty' ones. Pretty much always with milk.


    I like light green teas. Found a boutique one at a show once that was super. Didn't turn bitter unless you stepped for 20min. Green tea straight, no additional stuff unless in it (cornflowers seem a popular tea addition for some reason).


    Favs: tangerine and grapefruit iced tea (Gloria Jeans), peach black tea with pearls (Easyway) and mango frappe which also has tea in (Starbucks).


    It is a pity Starbucks are so hard to find down here. I wish I could try a hybiscus iced tea again that I had in America. Was different and really nice. Not available at the few down here.


    Best breakfast ever is a GJ or SB iced tea with a plain toasted beagle and cream cheese!

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