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  1. Aww, it's missing fanart, synopsis, and banners . Seems like a great renamer though
  2. You know, I don't think that's it because the name doesn't sound familiar at all but that does basically the same thing and I think I just might use that. I don't believe the one I used could pull your anime watch list, so that's a big bonus Good job my friend!
  3. Oh a little bit of extra info, so it actually knew which anime/episode it was based on like the MD5 or something and knew who released that particular copy. I am hoping someone chimes in and is like " I KNOW THAT ONE!!! ". I will love you long long time!
  4. Well it's not only that but I get new devices frequently and repurpose the Raspberry Pi's for different things. The main purpose was to not have to do scraping and be able to use a new device or even a friends device without updating or scraping the library. Just wish I could find that software again, it was a good piece of software. I really liked the banner/fanart feature though. Sucks I may never find it again, usually I stick all my applications on my NAS but it seems this one never made it.
  5. Done, I believe you will find mine pretty informative . Why the survey anyway?
  6. Yes, they get the metadata but I use kodi/xbmc on a Raspberry pi, and the things are finicky and the installation just stops working once in a while and I need to reinstall the OS and when I complete the reinstall it wipes out whatever metadata had been stored. So this program made a permanent, in the folder, copy of the metadata and artwork as well as renamed it all to conform with how I wanted episodes named. I never needed to redo a scrape which took a very long time. It was all in one and it was amazing.
  7. It definitely wasn't Kodi or XMBC or any plugin. Was definitely a windows program. I found it when I was having issues everytime I needed to wipe my kodi installation or re-add my collection it would spend like an hour scraping my collection again and wasn't saving it. This program scraped like myanimelist.com or anidb and pulled all the good stuff and renamed it all. It did take a while if I recall, something about too many requests too quickly from whatever source it was pulling the pictures and stuff from. It had to take it slow to avoid being blocked.
  8. A little more info, this is how it renames and stores fanart and such. [MEDIA=imgur]5iWw0ES[/MEDIA] The program also did banners and scans. Don't remember what site they were pulled from but this is the image it got for Free! [MEDIA=imgur]a/NTg1I[/MEDIA]
  9. I found a program a few years back that pulled metadata, filenames, episode synopsis, fan art, and would even rename your files for you to conform to however you liked it. I can't for the life of me find it or something suitable to replace it but my anime collection has grown disorganized. If someone could help me find a great program to do all of this, I would be eternally grateful. This program was geared towards XMBC/Kodi and ran on Windows. Thanks in advance guys!
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