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  1. There was another picture I was looking for, that I have not seen in six years. The last time I saw it was in late 2011, but I know it could be as old as 2007-2009. I first saw it in very early (January-February) of 2011. She was smiling, and you could only see her upper body. Her head was tilted, she had her head resting in her hand, like on her cheek. It is a very old picture. I know she had dark brown, or black hair. It was in a lyric video for a song called "Over" by The Birthday Massacre. It was a popular fan video, if you listened to this band, then around until about three years ago, if you were on YouTube listening to this song with lyrics (I think.), then it was probably this video. It had a lot of anime pictures in the video, like a guy with white hair laying on a car, looking back at the screen (has anyone seen this picture, I would like to find that too), and a girl with long purple hair and a winter jacket. A lot of pictures. The reason I am not sure what color hair she had, was because in the video there was one of those old Windows Movie Maker color effects on the part of the song where it showed the picture. You know the one where the color keeps changing, red, green, yellow, purple, etc. The part of the song was the quiet instrumental right before the final chorus to the song. If you ever saw the video, you will know what I am talking about. I know she had dark hair, though. She may have had something in her hair (like a flower), or something on her head (like a head dress or something), but I am less certain about this part. At one point, I thought it might have been Yuki Cross/Kuran from the Vampire Knight series (I used to be a fan of this series, but maybe I just got it confused over the last 6-7 years), but it is possible that it wasn't her. Anyway, I am hoping that someone can help me find this picture, please! Thank you all!
  2. Hi! Hamsloth, that's unfortunate. Still, if you ever find anything, be sure to let me know. ragkt, the name of the website that I saw the picture on was a forum called darkSpyro. I don't exactly remember the name of the topic, but I have the idea. It was something like, "I don't like animu" or "I don't wanna see any animu pictures". Something like that... The forum is still around, but that topic was unfortunately deleted. I hope your idea works, though! It would be great if it did.
  3. Heh heh, it's okay. Here's another image that I found that could help. These two characters have a similar look to the girls in the picture I'm looking for, one with the messier hair, and one with the neater hair. The only problem is that their hair still seems too long. What they're from was released at around the time I saw the picture, though, so I think it's a possibility that it could be them. Here's the link to the picture: https://pm1.narvii.com/6602/13b3693a2300005f2b5c8a1f56639a26f27ed4e6_hq.jpg
  4. Davis, thank you for your suggestion. That can't be it, though, as the picture I'm looking for I first saw in 2010, and No Game No Life was first released in 2012. Greeneyes, it wasn't a snapshot from an anime. I was like a drawn illustration/wallpaper kind of image.
  5. My collection of pictures that I eventually found? I unfortunately can't reach them right now. I don't have access to my main computer at the moment, and that's the one that has all of my files and images and stuff... You're creepy... - I found a few images that kind of resemble that picture that I'm looking for. Maybe they can be of some help? https://www.ilbe.com/files/attach/new/20161127/14357299/7933103738/9083430148/9165a7cfdc0381bd5600ecfd45e5d53d http://i.imgur.com/bxIeHsA http://danbooru.donmai.us/data/7cebe6000397ad39b74d39e5ee0eb32d http://img1.reactor.cc/pics/post/full/Anime-Nishikino-Maki-Love-Live!-Yazawa-Nico-2657425 https://img.pawoo.net/media_attachments/files/003/379/386/original/301cbbc18148a8b5 By the way, Hamsloth, do you remember any information about the one you think it could be? I could try to search for it myself, if you're not having any luck finding the name?
  6. Oh, well, I'm glad you found it. I wish I could find mine. T_T There were several images that I had at one point in time, and then I lost them, and searched for for years, but I found the majority of them eventually. Just not this one, and two more, I think... This one is my top priority, though, which is why I'm asking about it specifically, and not the other ones, obviously. It's still creepy to me... o_O
  7. Miku, that's creepy...! O_O Okay, Hamsloth, let me know when you find it. There's a strong possibility that that's it, or that it could at least help me find it... I know that it's not Elfen Lied. I'm familiar with the anime and characters, so I would've recognized it if so.
  8. Miku, thank you for your suggestion. I know that's not it, though. I'm familiar with the anime and its characters, so I would've recognized it if it were them. Hamsloth... O_O Actually, I wouldn't be too surprised if it was. The person who posted the picture was fond of things in that area, so if it was from something like that, it wouldn't take me by surprise. Did you find the title of it?
  9. Oh, I'm not sure. I don't think I recognize that one, either... Thanks for all of your help. I really appreciate it.
  10. Yes, I have. I spent practically an entire day doing that, putting in different combinations of the details that I remember, but I ended up with nothing. T_T That's why I came here, to ask, and see if anyone else might have been aware of the picture or the characters.
  11. Unfortunately, again, I don't recognize either of the two. Maybe I could give a bit more detail...? The girl lying on the floor had short, flat hair, and it was swiped out of her face. There wasn't really that much to it. The girl standing up had slightly longer hair than the other girl, but it only reached her shoulders. It wasn't really that long, either, and it had spikes on the top. I think she might have had some bangs. I'm not entirely sure of what their eye color was. It could have been the same color as their hair. I could also imagine yellow, but I'm not sure. I thought it might've been something darker, because I don't remember them having light eyes, like blue or green, or something like that.
  12. I do have an account on anime-planet, but I have not tried that yet. I'll see if I give it a try, but there is just one issue. I can't confirm that the two girls in the picture were actually from an anime. It could have just been someone's drawing of two original characters that they came up with. Oh, but thank you for trying either way...!
  13. I don't recognize them, unfortunately. The first girl looks more similar, but the girl in the picture that I'm trying to find had short hair. There girl in the first picture that you provided has long hair. As for the second picture, I know the anime, and I'm sure I would've found it by now if that were her. She doesn't look very similar to either of the girls in the picture that I'm trying to find, though. Thanks for your efforts, anyway, do you have any more suggestions?
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