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  1. It's hard to explain what I was getting at. To me, what you described isn't what I was getting at and I wouldn't change it myself, because it's still genuine and works with her core nature +what they are going for. What I as getting at was more something hard to describe I suppose aha. Someting beyond reason with what they've established, beyond "oh it's supposed to be this way!" sort of thing. Eg. for me, with everything they've established for Plutia being an honest sweet girl with a cheeky and scary side, her suddenly or secretly being someone who'd lie to her friends and fans just does not work given what they have established and the context of the series (cute girls doing cute things), things like that. And this is in a way where it feels more than a "plot twist she was evil all along!" sort of thing if you are following what I mean. Essentially "unethical" misleading representations where us fans get led on, and/or mismatch of personality traits with the characters' core nature (beyond reason). Dw if this sounds depressing, I don't aim to make you sad or weird you out. Just some food for thought. For the record, I doubt the creators of HDN would actually mislead their fans =P I just think the characters are designed very basic to initially appeal to a variety of fans and from there we can "modify" aspects of them to reflect our personal values as long as it works with their core nature. Otherwise with so many clashing views consumers of this series may have, it wouldn't work well! And I find these points very interesting especially when it comes to marketing and appealing to a variety of fans BTW I REALLY appreciate you managing to follow to whatever degree with the stuff I ave to say! I'm just that weird quirky one in those regards I suppose MAte Seha is really cute as and NepBike (no spoilers since it's advertised) is great. Thanks mate!
  2. Interesting topic? Thanks, I like to question the 'weird'/'seemingly untalked' aspects of fandom from different and sometimes 'controversial' perspectives. I enjoy psychology, and how we respond to these creations! A fellow HDN fan here I see. Glad to meet you aha! The characters also feel pretty realistic in a sense even though they are playing on tropes to me at least. Their personalities do seem to change but it still retains their core nature. In other words, I've noticed that they are the same individual, but whatever restrictions they may have had in their normal forms are liberated in their HDD ones. Good examples are: Plutia who changes into Iris who plays with the dominatrix persona (she's not really into it as evidenced by a quote between Mega and Iris in SeHA), where she feels liberated in expressing her intelligence + add some fun sadistic trolling lol. Then you have Uzume, who has to play a persona of 'cool' in the post-apocalyptic context to retain order, but then goes her true self as Orange Heart. Yes, at face value both Plutia/Iris Uzume/Orange could be seen as different beings unless they were more explored. It was a nice meshing of seemingly contrasting personalities as you've said. The warships one? I have not heard of it, I should look into it... (oh boy, I don't mean to come off 'creepy obsessed' but let's just say I've delved into the personas of Plutia and some other characters purely based off me finally finding characters I can relate to very deeply!) What I was getting more at was if you felt a portrayal of a character didn't really suit their core nature (regardless of contrasting forms), would you feel comfortable "modifying" them in a way you see fit and more true to their personalities? And here's another mind twist: let's say if a character wasn't intended for a particular demographic, but you felt it would work there. Would you feel comfotable 'breaking the rules' to enjoy it because you feel it suits that character's personality more over what it was originally intended for? You don't need to answer those if you find it weird. I know these are probably 'wth?'. But it's pretty entertaining to discuss such things sometimes. What's this HDN forum theme?
  3. Ah, I updated my question. Forgive me but I find it hard to translate thoughts into words at times. I am referring to those who like to >fantasize< about marrying their favourite character, etc. So the series caters to those individuals too. Pretty blatantly with Hyperdimension lol. But yeah. It's a phenomenon for sure. I don't think there's anything wrong with fantasizing. Anyways my little perspective aside, I'm wondering how a character supposed to be waifu-d by many individuals works when you take into consideration that people have their own values and whatnot. Because fantasy or reality, people are gonna have their values, likes, and dislikes. I'm guessing the design would allow a degree of freedom? So how do you think that works? Yes it seems really silly or deep, but I find even seemingly silly things like this fascinating (yeah I study psychology and human interaction always interested me haha).
  4. Sydney sider here (the one in Australia, not Canada :P).
  5. For the waifu demographics who like to fantasize until they find someone IRL, or just wanna marry that fictious one (not judging). How do you think designers/creators manage this? Individuals have their own personal values and tastes. My theory is that a base personality character is created for individuals to relate to, but from there you add your own ' with your own personal compatibilities and tastes as long as it's consistent with the character's core personality. This allows the consumer to enjoy that character and still appeal to mass (+ merchandise!). An example are the Hyperdiemsnion series. It caters to a variety of demographics too. It's cute girls doing cute things, there's yuri teasing, and there's waifu component (esp evidenced by waifu CDs, etc). Plus how would you respond if you felt your favourite character's personality and a trait did not blend? Would you feel comfortable altering it to something you like as long as it works with that character's core nature?
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