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Everything posted by Zero622

  1. yeah.....this is it....thanks.
  2. Im looking for a manga or anime, im not really sure which, but i think that i may have saw it many years ago, and now im remembering about it and i would like to go back and see it again, anyways......this is what i could remember: its about this guy, maybe about 17 or 16, he found this little kid (or the kid appeared out of the blues...idk) but when the kid came, a book also appeared. the book is like some sort of grimoire/ magical book. inside the book is some inscriptions that can smh make the little kid perform magical attacks and stuff. there are also other duos ( pairs of kids and young people) that exist, and each of them has a different little kid with them, and when they meet they duel with each other. i seem to remember that if a kid die, their grimoire disapears, or if the book is destroyed, the kid dies. pls tell me if you have any ideas on the title of this story.....thanks :)
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