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Everything posted by Fudge

  1. Hi guys! This website is quite new to me, but im keen to start a discussion. I've been thinking about this for a while, and I seem to not be as excited about anime as others. Whilst people are hyped and literally crying, im kinda just sat down smiling at times. For example, with Yuri On Ice, my friends are excited about how much 'gayness' there is (which bugs me a little bit) and cry when the main ship Viktor and Yuri do something like a normal couple. I however, view it as ordinary and not exciting, even the lgbt references. Perhaps this is because I believe that any healthy couple no matter their gender are normal therefore I don't think of the main ship as exciting and so it is not fangirl worthy. In brief, I personally don't understand the overall fanbase reaction to anime (why do they get so worked up?!) and would like it to be explained so I can better understand my friends and the comment section of YouTube. It could be just me but I would like to hear some other peoples views and opinions.
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