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The Great Web of Deception

Lone Lancer

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Not really a casual topic but something which needs to be heard and understood. I probably would have never posted this here if somebody ( not dropping any names ) didn't decide to try to turn AF into their own personal soapbox. The one boogieman that nobody is talking about also happens to be the most dangerous of all. Want something to be afraid of? Fear this...


"Trust me."🐍

Would you trust Mr. Burns from "The Simpsons" to solve all of civilization's ills? Let's see how it turned out when the character managed to convince Lisa that he had turned over a new leaf...


Although a complete work of fiction intended to amuse, if you trust people like Gates, Saint Elon, Maurice Strong [ insert any other oligarch or politician ], the end result will be something like this. Whether the issue being pushed is climate change, the Virus™ or anything else, it does not matter to them. Everything is just a cynical power play to strengthen their control over the populace in the eyes of the predatory ruling class. They do not care. The fact that the elites persist in traveling the world in their own private jets while investing so heavily in all of this 'green' stuff should tell you something about their true nature. What is good for the goose should be good for the gander, should it not?


Naive ignoramus interjects: "But Mr. K! They have to use some form of transportation to make it to their international summits!"

If the world's captains of industry were really that concerned about carbon emissions destroying the atmosphere, why don't they hold electronic teleconferences instead! They don't need to be physically traveling halfway around the world just to talk about that! They already have the technology to do it this way but they don't...or maybe I should say they won't.


Where is it all leading to? See the following...






Although not entirely complete, the process has been well underway for a long time. I fear for the future. 😟

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