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woah, I totally didn't know you could make blogs on here.

Entries in this blog

An Intact Fossilized Shell, Found on my Doorstep!

I'm kind of, fascinated with old stuff. REALLY old stuff. And while I've never found anything particularly outstanding to other people maybe, i always treasure what i do find. and today, i wasn't really expecting to find anything! i was just out in my backyard garden, picking through stones from the freshly cultivated soil, because i do find a lot of gemstones in my garden after hoeing it, and i think they're pretty. i kind of have a little of collection of them. but then i saw somethi



How I'm Spending the Pandemic

I was today-years-old when i found out you could make blogs on this forum. even though i don't think anybody is going to read these! but thats okay. I guess I'll start by going over the goings-ons of this past week. i was very sick this past month, i had all the textbook symptoms pf COVID-19 but can't tell you for sure because i never went to the hospital to get tested. whatever the hell it was, i can tell you id never had anything like it before, and it hurt like hell. i've had a seve



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