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   Now, I've never been the one to share my thoughts on certain things. But I decided to step out my comfort zone give it a go at a blog.

  I'm not the best writer, so bare with me. I want to share some facts about me. :)

1. I'm 16

2. I'm a loner

3. My top 3 favorite anime shows are; Inyuasha, Fairy Tail, & Kuromukuro

4. My favorite color is black

5. I love reading mangas, and comics

6. My first ever manga was a book called "Emma".

7. I like playing video games

8. I have 4 sisters, including me, 5.

9. I love supernaturals and horror shows (like The Walking Dead, & Supernatural).

And lastly 10. I love junk food.


    So that's about it for my Introduction, I still have many things to say but that's for a later post.  Till next time, Peace. ;)

  • Awesome (Sugoi) 2


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First, welcome to our community since I see you're a new member, second, you sound a bit like me when I returned to this site, I started my own blog to let people know me a bit better as well so I can relate to how you're introducing yourself now instead of staying secretive forever.

If you need someone I ask anything, don't hesitate to come to me. I'll be happy to help.

  • Love it! (Daisuki) 1
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Hey there! Nice to meet you! You can call me Rye if you like :) Welcome to the forums btw! It's nice having you introduce yourself in a blog entry. Is this your first one? Waaaaah, I should have thought about this. lels.

Anyways, I'm a lil bit older than you :) so maybe you can call me Nee-san or something. I'm not much of a loner but I'm not a socialist either so maybe I can reach out to you. :D I love Fairytail and tbh it was the main reason why I started reading mangas cause I just can't wait to see what would happen next xD I like black too tbh. :) I'm the oldest child in the family and I have an ototo which is 16 years old as well and a kawaii imouto which is still 8 years old. :D I love pudding <3 Anyways, nice meeting you again! :D 

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