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RyePotatoes last won the day on February 20 2022

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  • Favourite Anime
    Mirai Nikki
    Assassination Classroom
    Your Lie in April
    Shokugeki no Soma
    Okusama ga Seitokaichou
    Your Name
    K Project
    A Certain Scientific Railgun
    Non Non Biyori
    Yuojo Senki
    Made in Abyss
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
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  1. Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️💜❤️🔥💓🧡🖤💗💛🤍❣️💖💚🤎💕💘💙💞💝

    1. Wodahs
    2. RyePotatoes


      Gahahahahaha, did ya strike a maych Wodahs-kun? 😂

  2. Hi! Nice drawings! I loved it! I’d like to share mine as well. I don’t draw much nowadays but drawing anime sure is kind of stress relieving and enjoyable at the same time. The first one is supposed to be Zoro from One Piece since I am binge watching it nowadays and the second one is actually Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke. I dunno if they are recognizable though.
  3. wah! Yaaaaas!!!! There was a character who was actually torn about joining job fairs and joining the runs and I kinda was intrigued of how it will unfold. It really has a mature tackle and I can relate more to it since I am in that point in life too. Hihi. Thanks for the compliment I haven’t seen the latest season of the Yowamushi no Pedal though because I have this tendency of putting on hold animes that really catches my attention and I can’t get over the fact of not seeing more after finishing the latest season Oooh, I have to check out Salaryman’s Club! Thanks for the recommendation!
  4. yes!!! I think it’s very realistic compared to a lot of Sports Anime that I’ve seen so far and I’ve seen quite a few. It gives off a mature vibe as well since it’s a Sports anime with characters in their young adult stage of life. Have you seen Diamond no Ace or Yowamushi Pedal perhaps? I think those are worth to give a try. Although they’re kind of long.
  5. I think the Manga is bound to be animated until the end especially since the Anime is really well-received by the audience. I just think that the ending was kinda rushed since the Mangaka seemed to have some personal struggles on her side. But the ending is still promising and I can’t wait for the Blacksmith Village arc
  6. Kekkon Shimasu!

    1. efaardvark



    2. RyePotatoes


      Hahaha Arigatooo Efaardvark-san if it were true 😂 

  7. I’m assuming everybody has MAL? Let’s be friends! I wanna see some anime recommendations hihi 🥺


    here is my MAL if you want to add me hihi https://myanimelist.net/profile/Raimugi


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. efaardvark


      I have a MAL list but I’m horrible about updating it.  


    3. Ohayotaku


      After checking out your MAL I would highly recommend watching the final season of Fruits Basket since you enjoyed the previous 2. The pacing feels kinda strange, but finally delivers on the happy endings. I would also recommend checking out the OVA episodes (14-17) of ReLife. Even though you didn’t rank the tv series well, these are much better IMO as the romance focused on the “grown-up” cast members instead of the highschoolers.

      For some romcoms, I would recommend Don’t Toy with me Miss Nagatoro. The 1st ep can be offputting in s couple ways & a certain level of lewdness is maintained throughout, but it turned out surprisingly sweet. Science Fell in Love & High Score Girl are also recommended.

    4. RyePotatoes


      Wooooaaaaah thanks @Ohayotaku I’m not really a fan of ReLife though. I think I dropped it too. 🤔 But I’ll follow your recommendations, I’ve actually put Science Fell inlove on my plan to watch list  though. Hihi thank you very much!


      @efaardvark I’ve already added you Efa-kun! Arigato!


  8. Heh, I’m a loooooot of years too late but a few months ago I started watching One Piece and now I’m around 500+ episodes. Is anyone out there a fan?
  9. Hisashiburidesu Minna-san, this is completely random, but did anyone saw Yowamushi Pedal? I need to be spoiled for me to continue watching it 😆

  10. So.. Kuroshitsuji doesn't know innuendos huh? 

  11. It's been a long timeeeee but here's my MAL and please feel free to add me! Ore Oba-sama desu, AF's the same ol' Pudding Ambassador https://myanimelist.net/profile/HippoTyPotatoes
  12. Oniiiiii-samaaaaa! I hope you're fine and all. I think it has a Malevolent in it. Ryuji actually came up with "Maley"
  13. Rye came from my real name and Potato is beacuse I am a potato. Not that creative actually. I do remember that I have another name here before but I forgot what it was. It was such a long time agooooo. Omg.
  14. That's quite of a responsibility. As for me crushes are platonic feelings and taking care of kids is sure not my thing. While it is a pity situation I do think there are plenty of ways to settle the situation and as I young adult who is still in college I still need to study. Quite selfish yes. *Slurps down pudding*
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