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Dances with Dragons



So I finished watching Dances with Dragons a few weeks ago and while watching it I often look at comments left by other people. I noticed that a lot of people didn't quite understand what was going on. If you haven't watched this one I would have to agree slightly.  The beginning seems a bit jumbled but after a little bit things become a bit clearly. I would have to say that the show is a bit political in nature in the aspect that there is government/ corporate backhand deals and you have to understand that to follow a bit of the plot of the show. The 2 main characters also have a bit of backstory that gets a little bit of time but towards the end of the show its self. It's a bummer cause you feel like just a little more light on this will round out the show a little more.  I think a lot happens in a little bit of time so I definitely felt it was rushed a bit in the 12 something episodes. You are left with the feeling there may be a second season but time will tell if that will actually happen. However, with all that said I do believe it's a show worth watching.



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