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About this blog

Exactly how the name sounds. Just the ramblings of this fan about anime, manga, or other video content about anime, manga, and Japan. I hope all enjoy and encourage thoughtful and meaningful conversations. I do not know how often I will post but I will try to as often as possible.

Entries in this blog

Reading Rainbow

So I like to take the time to talk about reading manga/comics.  This entry isn't so much about something specific I am currently reading but more about reading apps on my phone. I'll be quite honest I have a few (10 to be exact). That might be excessive or for some not enough. I started with one from an ad on  facebook or instagram not sure and it spiraled out.  I will divulge i mostly read romance and bl on the sites.  I have the following: webcomics, mangatoon, tapas, patreon, torycomics, tapp




So I was getting really bored sitting around waiting for new episodes of the current shows I am watching and now most are on delay it seems. UGH. So I decided to go back and watch something I hadn't finished watching and since it had been a little while since I  last watched it I started it from the beginning.  I think the whole reason I had stopped watching in the first place was because when I first came out there was some kind of break in the show and as I was waiting most likely started watc



Tower of God First Take

The first 2 episodes are out on crunchyroll. It was much anticipated new adaption of the comic. I was a little worried with anything that gets too much hype and I did not want to be disappointed. However I was surprised at how good it was. First I wanted  for the first time to look at reviews just too see sometimes when I see reviews are reaction clips they are a little overboard in my opinion but it was pretty decently accurate.  Okay Let's get down to it. First episode starts off with the



Currently Chillin Everyday

Okay Everyone so I already updated my status a little while ago so I would like to continue on that note by making a few blog entries. Since yet again it has been some time since my last post. I don't know if I have mentioned to you all before but I quite the procrastinator while I am at home. So my room is a hot mess and it takes me forever to do stuff also as a Gemini I tend to get sidetracked a lot so I never really finish anything I actually start. Ugh sometimes I just wish I could get toget




Hey everyone, sorry for such a long wait for the next blog post. Between mostly working a lot and this past week being sick I haven't posted anything so I better stay on top of it more. That being said it's review time. Also like always I'll try to not spoil the show but sorry if I do. If you don't know this about me I watch anime or read manga every free chance I get and in doing so I watch a lot of shows at one time.  I'm always on the look out for something new or if a favorite gets anot



Black Fox

Sorry it has been awhile work has gotten me so busy. Anyways wanted to talk about something new I watched recently called Black Fox. Who doesn't love a badass female woman. It starts off nice and sweet. As the main protagonist Rikka Isurugi is the gra ndchild of the Isurugi clan of ninja warriors. Her father is scientist who wanted to go a different route from having to kill. She trains with her grandfather but like her father she rather help than hurt. However after growing up and r



Tokyo Ghoul re:2nd season

So It's been ages seems like since I last posted sorry about that been a roller coaster of business and lulls but for someone reason despite all that I was watching I haven't logged in and write anything.  FYI: I try not to give spoilers but there might still be some. Okay so I had watched the first 3 episodes and then I kinda just left it for awhile and I just finished it up finally. Well I really like this series but honestly the first and second season of this arc were a little craz



Megalo Box / Ashita no Joe

Hey Everyone, Happy New Year hope this new year brings everyone happiness.  Okay so I wanted to talk about an anime called Megalo Box it's the 50th anniversary of a manga and anime called Ashita no Joe.  Its a sports anime involving boxing with a twist they use gear to enhance one's ability. I wasn't sure if I would like this sports anime but it was actually really good one of my favorite sports anime's.  The world in which they live in only the rich can have citizenship the rest fight




Hi All, I wanted to talk about a manga I am really into these days, it's called Horimiya. Which I just realized is the hybrid name of the two protagonist in this story. So cute. Anyways it has 12 books so far. Hori-san and Miyamura-kun  the two the story revolves around are in High School. Hori-san is a pretty popular and cute girl while in the beginning Miyamura-kun is a bit of an outcast that no one notices. Both of them have secret identities  once school lets out. There are circumstance



Sorry been away so long.....

Okay so sorry been away so long. My work keeps me super busy. I have this week off so trying to catch up on stuff I watch and watch new stuff. Okay so I started watching a Netflix original called Sword Gai pretty good has 2 season each 12 episodes long. Cursed weapons give you powers at a cost they can take you over and the weapon basically takes over your body.  Anyway it has some good action and it has it's sad moments. I haven't finished second season yet so I'm not sure how it's going to end



Koutetsujou no Kabaneri

Koutetsujou no Kabaneri  I saw a clip awhile back and thought it had a pretty cool unique fighting action. Then I saw it at the store and well it was like 45 bucks so I thought I better watch it first before buying it. You know to see if it was worth spending that much money on it.  So after binge watching all 12 episodes it was awesome so I most likely will go back to buy it especially to see what extras are on the disks.   I'd have to say that there is feel of something between Attac



Dances with Dragons

So I finished watching Dances with Dragons a few weeks ago and while watching it I often look at comments left by other people. I noticed that a lot of people didn't quite understand what was going on. If you haven't watched this one I would have to agree slightly.  The beginning seems a bit jumbled but after a little bit things become a bit clearly. I would have to say that the show is a bit political in nature in the aspect that there is government/ corporate backhand deals and you have to und



Review time

Hey All It's me again. So I recently saw the first episodes of some of the shows I've been waiting to watch this season so I wanted to talk about them. I felt they were pretty good and wanted to share. Tenrou: Sirius the Jaeger  had a great action packed start. A group of vampire hunters one of them being of werewolf descendant. The show gave just enough story line to grab hold and a cliffhanger start. The small cast of characters seems interesting and can't wait to see where this one



My current watch list

Hello All So this is totally my first blog so I'm sorry if it is not up to par. I thought about as my first entry that I would share my current watch list. However there are some not on my list that I watch intermittently. I like to think some of us do this. Where we start to watch something and then the new shiny thing starts so we take a break from what we are watching to watch the new thing. I tend to do this quite often So I have quite a few shows that are waiting for me to come back to



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