A deep dive into "Memetically me"; what are enforcers?
...so, you ever wondered what happened to earth within the MMaM universe?
Long story short; that ship sank years ago. So much so that earth, it's sarounding planets, and the entirety of "the ring" (a galactic ring used to conjoin planets) is inaccessible to those outside that solar system. To this within it, however....
Well, let's just say they have a lot of trouble to deal with, one such nightmare is the enforcer species...
But what exactly are these creatures?
Let's have a look, shall we?
Full name: Andromidas/ Biomechanical Enforcement units. Each are branded as enforcers, and have a unique numbering system.
Other terms/Local names for the species: E.V's, (their correlating numbers)
Factual information:
Appearance: Most Enforcers tend to be varied on appearance from one version to another, however most tend to be humanoid in design, with a mismatch of biological and mechanical components. These components are varied based on their functionalities, but always tend to be designed to specifically fit said specifications. Most are made directly from dissecting and re-building a living host over a long period of time (between 20-30 years, some even going for longer)
Locations/Climates they are found in: Anywhere and everywhere. As Enforcers were designed with set areas and working environments in mind, they tend to have varied living areas, but survive in said areas vary well (a fair number can even adapt to most environments quite easily)
Diet: varies from functionality. Most can eat almost anything, but some have specific desires and needs, such as meat (of any kind or one specific), wood, concrete and even gasses.
Nature (Aggressive, passive, exedra): Varied on functionality. Most tend to be aggressive in nature due to their upbringing and functionality, while some are aggressively protective of humanoids due to similar functionalities. It's rare to find a very passive Enforcer, albeit there are still a fair few around.
Culture: While enforcers themselves build their own culture around their day to day lives or events, they all don't share an overarching culture, other then their production and their numbering/branding.
When created, Enforcers are given a number before work begins on them, as to categories their number for later specifications and design principles (helps keep each individual documented on when the idea of said enforcer was created). Then, when they are decided upon, they will either grow biotechnological parts, or find a biological "host" to work from (or both), due to the fact that research into Andromidas variants had caused grief due to the lack of emotion and expression from complete machines (see the andromidas variants for further details)
When a design is chosen, work begins, enhancing the enforcer for it's required duty. Hosts can be any form of life or from parts of living creatures, particularly humanoids (be it human, elf, Ork, dwarf, hemocupitor or otherwise)
When the host's body is complete, a chip is inserted into their brain (or equivalent vital organ), acting as a Dead Man's switch incase they go rogue or leave too far from their facilities (which were known as Bunk"E"rs), as they are tracked on their distance from where their control chip is, which will give them a warning to return, or face termination. This was also used to control the more violent and destructive versions through the use of implementing chips in scientists tasked with teaching enforcers. The chips would be directly inserted into the arm bone of a trainer, preventing the enforcer from attacking or even threatening the owner of the chip, while simultaneously giving the trainer a fair amount of control over said enforcer if need-be. However, it should be noted that many of the later, smaller enforcers were never given said chips, due to the lack of violence in their nature. Same goes to the miniforcer series, with the exception of those specifically designed for military use.
Other then this, all enforcers are required to have their numbers stamped somewhere on their bodies. This varies from individual to individual, although if they somehow lose said stamp, they are still named in the chip in their brain that can be scanned briefly (albeit, this is the only information you are liable to receive, as most enforcers have chips capable of blocking almost all grades of hacking or receivers.)
In the now apocalyptic wastes of Omer, Enforcers are built into the culture of many who are still living in it's harsh environments as rumours, myths and legends. But, many have claimed to see them, and many have knowledge of their existence. It's just the sheer scale of Omer, and the sheer amount of day to day problems leads to a simple factor of lack of trust, reliable sources and interest while attempting to keep perseverance at a priority when faced with hell.
Life span: Most can live indefinitely, either by simply regenerating cells faster then losing them, by going into a standby phase to act in a dormant sleep until turned back on, or by modifying themselves to outlive things. Some, however, will die from age, but only after a very long time. Almost all that have died have died from external sources.
Other information:
All enforcers were built with a purpose. The first 10 enforcers were all built to act as weapons. These were made on earth with the help of other allied factions, and were designed to be humanity's idea of enforcing their laws, while protecting the ring with biological weaponry. The next 11 through until 30 were designed with functionality in mind, acting as an idea for how enforcers could be used to help in other circumstances. The rest from there are varied in functionality, but fall into either, or both categories.
In Omers apocalypse, Most Enforcers are unknown as to whether or not they still function. However, it is a known fact that, while some are still dormant, other roam the wastes. Those who do have found alternative methods of removing the Dead Man's switch from their brain, either through one means or another. However, some are still bound to their laboratories, while others are working as slaves to those who found and installed their chips.
Variations within the species:
There are a number of variations from enforcer to enforcer, as all were designed with different ideals in mind.
However, not that enforcers can be an abundance of variations, and sometimes fall into all other categories at once. The list below is simply a category of what types exist,as some enforcers can be any number of combinations of the below types.
List of subspecies:
Weaponized Enforcers
Utility Enforcers (Utilit-E)
Andromidas Enforcers
Biomechanical Enforcers
AutoME Tech (Miniforcers)
**Note that the subspecies can have a mix of each within an individual, due to the sheer variety between each Enforcer variant.**
Well, there ya have it. That's the enforcers.
While they don't make much of an appearance in MMaM itself, they are one of the main things seen within Memetically me, so they are particularly of importance to me at least.
As always, if there are any questions, or anything at all, then please feel free to comment
thank you so much for reading, if indeed you did. Hope you liked it!
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