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Following a little turtle tell stories of his mind; a place filled with so much random bull-patoot that creating a blog seems trivial, but good for a laugh.

Entries in this blog

MMaM species: Shamblefluffs

Judging on their name, one would assume that a shamblefluff would be something fluffy that shambles... Well, you wouldn't be far from the truth... So what is a shamblefluff exactly? Well, let's have a bit of a gander. Shall we? ---- Shamblefluffs: Full name: Shamblefluffs Other terms/Local names for the species: Cotton rollers, cotton fairies    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



A deep dive into "Memetically me"; what are enforcers?

...so, you ever wondered what happened to earth within the MMaM universe? Long story short; that ship sank years ago. So much so that earth, it's sarounding planets, and the entirety of "the ring" (a galactic ring used to conjoin planets) is inaccessible to those outside that solar system. To this within it, however.... Well, let's just say they have a lot of trouble to deal with, one such nightmare is the enforcer species... But what exactly are these creatures? Let's have a



MMaM species: Slimes and their shenanigans

So, I wanted to start off MMaM lore softly by having a look at some of the species found within the MMaM universe. Now, it should be noted that there are litterely billions that I can think of off the top of my head (and trust me, I'm not kidding) but let's start off with one that everyone know and loves... ....slimes :3 What are slimes? If you haven't already seen or heard of a slime (by some miracle or another) then to give a mental depiction; imagine if jelly was alive, but it



What is "MMaM" anyway, and plans for the future?

Ehh, not that anyone's ever really asked me about it, but I do mention MMaM allot, so I thought I might as well address it. MMaM stands for "Me, Myself and the Multiverse"; a series I have been working on for the last 3 years. its been mostly based off of characters and ideas formed within my head-thing (I'm an insomniac, so I spend a LOT of time thinking) so I've been developing an entire universe for the MMaM story-line, as well as other series based in that universe (such as "Memetically



Neon rain

"Rain falls heavily, Illuminated by neon, Reflections faded cries echo softly, Of those from pasts left unchanged, Rain falls heavier Tears trickle softly, The blabbered cries now unheard, The cold envelopes, Collapsed to the ground, Tears formed of torrential rain, Accepting embrace The Morning dawn's true, The corpse of a lost soul drowned, But ignored by all The neon rains victim"



Feilds of gold

...Gold. Everywhere she looked, her vision was laced with the vivid yellow, only offset by the delicate shades of shadows cast through their wavering sways in the wind. The canvas of blue gave seperation to the ocean of wheat, showing her the direction onward. To where exactly, she didn't know. With laboured breaths, and a weak step, she took a few breif moments to collect her thoughts. Wandering had been all she had ever known. As an urchin who had spent her younger years growing up i



Closure, as one might call it...

"...Ya know, it's kinda strange to think how they change like we do, sat up there, doing whatever stars do... Kinda poetic, dont'cha think?" Silence answered him, accompanied solely by the gentle sway of the wind and the drab tones of the crickets he had grown accustomed to during the long nights of restlessness. "Heh, you never were one for talkin. Nor where ya ever really one for ramblin...But I can't help myself, not now. How did ya do it, all these years? Go through all-o-that with



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