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being creative!

Anime loveer


Well so I had a lot of drawing contests with my friends when i was little , i would always win , so now some of my friends wouldn't do drawing contests with me because i would always win . None of my friends who challenged me before always lose, but it also depends on whos the judge , because my brother's a horrible judge . He would always choose the person HE likes more than which picture he likes more, This guy who has never seen my drawings challenged me one day. We decide to draw pikachu and send our drawings to each other and the judges. We were not suppose to tell the judge who drew what . THe judges were two friends from my side, morgan and kennedy and two cousins from his side , venus and patricia,they don't know who drew which . The person i was drawing against , Aaron was very confident in himself but in the end i won .I got 3 votes , from venus , morgan and kennedy and he had 1 from patricia. but then he ended up challenging me again saying he will win this time and the loser this time had to give the winner 5 $ . Of course i won



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