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Me and my day .......

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Sharing some pics

I was bored so i just drew a picture or two , so here i am , sharing them  My first on is this 2020 picture .. and heres the second one : a picture of a cute nurse girl stay safe everyone , plus i'd like to hear your opinions of these pictures , thank you    

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

Oh ,come on

Lies people tell them self all time .. like me , i do it too   ( trying to wake up in the morning ) " Just one more minute "  ( Watching tv )  One more episode  ( reading a book ) just one more page ( eating chocolate ) One more bite  haha , Maybe we lie to ourself more then we think we do , cause i really never considered it as lieing before 

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

Stay safe

I think everyone by now had heard of the virus . Staying at home is pretty boring , all i can pretty much do is , be on my computer , watching anime or youtube , reading or drawing . All of times are like eating , sleeping or doing work . It canceled a lot of things , like a trip that was supposed to be today for me . Just saying , everyone , Stay safe , and find something to do ,and very importantly . DON"t be with people who are sick !!

Anime loveer

Anime loveer


For a assignment , i have to make a speech , a ted talk speech., and it is annoying. I usaully hate speaking in front of a lot of people even if it was just 30 people . It has to be about something you want to fix , a problem you want to fix . Just saying . Right now , i have no problems , no problems i want to fix , unless its problems like " i dont have enough money probelms " or " i want a new car " .... stupid problems.So i decide to do " how does social media affect us " in the negative way

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

my letter ....

so ... when i was in middle school , i had an assignment where we have to write a letter to our future self or past self , i'm reading it right now and its kinda weird to me , and i'm just going to share it ... Readint it after 5 years  

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

my drawings

Drawing can be so hard ... but its really really fun. practice makes perfect , so one day ,someone will compliments your drawings , and that makes me feel good , to have someone compliment you , for you to see your own amazing drawings , you can make a story out of everything you draw .... everything , that's why i love drawing so much .  Sorry if some of the pictures are sideways..             

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

Valentines chaos

Valentines day suppose to be fun ?  what do you think ? I like valentine's day a lot since i get a lot of gifts from my friends ,that's always the best part for me , last year , i got bunch of candy and a necklace . It was from my BFF . This is for everyone whos reads this    A friend is like a Valentine,  Heartwarming, bringing pleasure, Connected to good feelings, With memories to treasure. Seeing a special Valentine Brings happiness to stay, And that is what you

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

being creative!

Well so I had a lot of drawing contests with my friends when i was little , i would always win , so now some of my friends wouldn't do drawing contests with me because i would always win . None of my friends who challenged me before always lose, but it also depends on whos the judge , because my brother's a horrible judge . He would always choose the person HE likes more than which picture he likes more, This guy who has never seen my drawings challenged me one day. We decide to draw pikachu and

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

from back then to how i am now

well if you're reading this  imma tell you a story of my life about my friends when i was in middle school I have a lot of friends , i can list my friends in each year and it changes a lot In 6th grade my friends were , Morgan ,kennedy , Jael, Jennifer,  Eshal , Alexandra  and Queen But it's not like that seventh grade ... Jael got homeschooled so left us, Jennifer got put in another class and stopped interacting with us , and i made a lot of new friends too such as , Summayy

Anime loveer

Anime loveer

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