how it started
Every since taking Japanese 1, I've pestered my sensei about taking the class to Japan, and this year he finally relented! After 2 years of scheming, I'm super excited to hang out with my friends there! The itinerary is going to take me all over Japan, though I won't say where for obvious reasons, so I get to go outside of Tokyo this time around. Sadly, we won't be going anywhere near Nagoya, so I asked my sensei if I could stay in Japan longer that way I can travel there to see my crush again! I'm kinda nervous about taking the densha and flying home by myself, but I'm sure I can figure it out. Last summer, I took the Densha everyday to my manga school with my mom, and it wasn't too bad. Although, if I have to go anywhere near Shinjuku station by myself around 8:00am in the morning, I would just give up because that station is ginormous and has so many floors, escalators, and platforms. Also, at 8am is the rush hour for work, and is filled to the brim with white collars. That's when you see the station workers take huge plastic panels to push the people in the train doors so they can close. My mom actually saw that happen once, it was crazy. My mom actually saw some crazy things. One time she was eating at a small Indian restaurant in Nakano, Tokyo and two men covered to head to toe in tattoos and piercings came in and ate at the table next to her. I wasn't there to see it, but my mom said they were very intimidating. She thought they were Yakuza but I have no idea. I mean it would've been normal to see people like that in Harajuku which is full of fashionistas, but this was a hole-in-the-wall in Nakano. My mom explored a lot more of Tokyo since I was in my classes for most of the day, so I'm looking forward to see more this time around. Anyways, I'm super grateful for my part-time job that way I can pay for all of this, although my dad is going to help pay for extra expenses I'm covering most of the cost. That's all really.
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