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About this blog

Hiii. I'm froggy and this is my blog about going to Japan! I went there last summer and had the time of my life. This coming summer I'm planning on going again with my Japanese class! I'm super excited and I'm going to on write my updates about the trip here. (Ow-)/osakadaioh.thumb.jpg.54567ae7b2b241d1281d433fbf439b0e.jpg


Entries in this blog

Future Plans

I'm a senior in high school, which means post-graduation planning. It feels ambitious to say I want to go to college in Japan, but that's all I'm interested in doing. In particular, Tokyo Polytechnic College in Nakano, Tokyo. I want to attend the manga course for four years, and to do that I need to pass the N2 exam. Which consists of grammar, reading, and writing. I'm already studying for the AP exam which is more difficult because of its speaking portion where you have to hold a conversation a


froggy in General


Its been around three months since I updated this blog. And unfortunately I didn't get to go on the school trip to Japan last summer. I unexpectedly got sick a few weeks prior and was in the hospital recovering by the time the airplane left the ground. It really bummed me out since I saved a bunch of money and was super excited and all. I ended up having to quit my job too. Things were bad for a while which is why I didn't feel like touching the topic. My friends went and had a nice time fr


froggy in General

Almost There!

The plans have been set! I'm going to spend two weeks going around Tokyo, Hiroshima, Chiba, and Osaka with my class. I will doing a homestay with four different families as well! I'm super excited! All of the hours I've spent working have paid off, and now my dad only has to chip in 300$ out of the near 4000$ I've saved for this trip!  I am a tad bit worried however because the third week I'll be going to Nagoya and staying with my best friend, but I've had trouble getting in contact with h


froggy in General

how it started

Every since taking Japanese 1, I've pestered my sensei about taking the class to Japan, and this year he finally relented! After 2 years of scheming, I'm super excited to hang out with my friends there! The itinerary is going to take me all over Japan, though I won't say where for obvious reasons, so I get to go outside of Tokyo this time around. Sadly, we won't be going anywhere near Nagoya, so I asked my sensei if I could stay in Japan longer that way I can travel there to see my crush again!


froggy in General

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