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I'm off for break X3 (from school)



Hello Anime Loves and Otakus. I'm off for Thanksgiving! And all I'm gonna do over the break is watch anime and chill. I might buy a Christmas tree and decorate it because going up to the attic to grab one is a lot of work. I'm choose not to go to one of those big family advents because I'm tired of them asking questions so I will most likely just end up spending it with my father. 

These are mostly my plans for the break: 

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Edited by Otaku

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Watching anime sounds like a good plan.

Wait, wait.... You have more than one Christmas tree in your attic??!

I've used the same artificial tree for years, my father bought it many, many years ago in the January sales when the local garden centre was looking to off load its remaining stock.  It's a very realistic tree, it even sheds artificial pine needles, so I have to vacuum the carpet each year after I take it down.

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I usually read books and play games during breaks and vacations. Lately I've been into visual novels and spend a lot of time playing them, hehe. By the way, do you only watch anime or do you still read something (manga, fanfiction, light novels, books)?

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@Animedragon we might buy a real one because we keep using the same shitty one and it’s getting to the point where if it might break.

@Fezo_chan I totally argue with u on the visual novels. I watch a lot of anime but I like to read light novels and manga. I currently playing Katawa Shojo, reading Strawberry Panic!, and watching My Deer Friends Nokotan. What r u playing, reading, and/or watching?

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Well I'm late (sorry got cold and rest for one week) for my solo Christmas day I usually watch anime or play new Jrpg that I gifted myself.

What Christmas tree are you using the real one or the plastic one I have real five years and still strong.

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