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    Higurashi When They Cry, Akuma No Riddle, Horimiya
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  1. I usually read books and play games during breaks and vacations. Lately I've been into visual novels and spend a lot of time playing them, hehe. By the way, do you only watch anime or do you still read something (manga, fanfiction, light novels, books)?
  2. I can spend all day reading an interesting earlybie, but I didn't do anything today as I have a headache and basically feel awful. I hope others feel better. As it is, I'm lying in bed and stupidly browsing anime discussion forums
  3. What an interesting story. I hope it works out for you and you reach your goal!
  4. Everyone has different tastes, so it's hard to say exactly what the best op is. I've watched just some anime, so I can't name the best oppening. But i have favourite. It's oppening «Happy Sugar life» https://youtu.be/3QvZYI00voE
  5. Fezo_chan

    Windows 10

    I like Windows 7. It's so cute and minimalistic.
  6. Milk tea, green tea, strong tea, tea with chamomile, tea with bergamot... Hm... I think i addicted to tea)))
  7. Good morning or night! Fezo-chan drinked some wine yesterday. Woohh. I feel warm in my stomach and happines. I hope i won't be an alcoholic in the future
  8. Sometimes i think about moving to other country. In this country, they should speak a language that I know only at an intermediate level. (B1-B2) I want to scare the poor people with my rude behavior and just troll them! Okay, maybe it's so bad. But i want to feel self-confidence at least that way.
  9. Hi. Welcome to the club, budy
  10. I write about psychology, the inner world of the character. And it doesn't matter what genre it is (Romance or science fiction) I trying to accurately describe the emotions of the character. I want the reader to dive as deeply as possible into the story.
  11. I recently started reading classical Japanese literature. I am currently reading a collection of works by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. The last thing I read in full was Dazai Osamu. (No Longer Human) The book is quite interesting. But I do not advise reading this book to people who are not interested in describing the inner world of the character. My favorite genres of books are drama, psychology, philosophy.
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