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The Character is LITERALLY Me!

A character HAS to be relatable to be a “good” character, right? That’s what everyone refers to when they’re criticizing something they don’t like. Conversely, when a show features a relatable character, the show is often praised. This is likely why many isekai characters are average japanese men; moreso, these characters may also turn out to be the “otaku” stereotype, such as Natsuki Subaru from Re:Zero. Personally, I have much more fun with characters that are only partially relatable. Fo



My thoughts on Isekai Quartet

Isekai Quartet is one of the anime airing this season. It's not finished yet, but I'd like to give my thoughts about it here.   Overlord Overlord is by far my favorite out of the four. I love the characters; they bounce off each other in a way that I find hilarious, especially in the spin-offs like A La Carte and Ple Ple Pleiades. A common complaint I see about Overlord is that the guardians have no/the same personality because they're all loyal to Ainz. This might seem true to an



Anime Communities, and Becoming a Youtuber

Well, if you read that title and are expecting this blogpost to be a guide on how to become a successful Youtuber...   Sorry, but no. Note: this entry is rambling and my personal experience/opinion. You know, for a big part of my life, I've wanted to have a community. I've tried a lot of different things, like reddit, 4chan, discord, etc. A lot of them don't really sit right with me. Let's start off with reddit. For the most part, the reddit websit



One Punch Man vs My Hero Academia

TL;DR I like Saitama more than Midoriya, and the themes of One Punch Man appeal to me more than My Hero Academia's. Also, hype culture is bad for any media. I will try to make this blog post spoiler-free, so no worries about that. However, I can't guarantee anything I source will be spoiler-free, so discretion is still advised.   This blog entry was inspired from @Seshi  and me talking on the Introduce Forums, found here. I tried to condense a lot of what I was thinking there, so



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