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About this blog

This is just a blog for my entertainment, enjoy my random thoughts and enjoy my Madness. 

Entries in this blog

Support my Music :)

Hello everyone, NOT here to support ANY other websites or anything, JUST trying to get my music out there... I've been dabbling in music for over 2 years now, and wanted to get it out there... My bandlab is yvngdeath And I would really like if you listened and took some time to enjoy my songs! Perhaps they may not be of any of your taste...but just know the effort was put forth... I experiment with all genres of music, so if the genre sequence is a little off then please understand

Cleaning my guitar, my strings are rusted.

Actually pretty annoyed at the moment. My guitar is my pride and joy, and when I was 13 I wrote on it in permanent marker, so of course I began cleaning it, and tried making it look fresh...the marker faded, but hasn't come off. That's the 1st issue...the 2nd issue is that, for over 2 years now I've been wondering why my guitar won't tune right and always sounds a little...off when you play it. Spoiler alert, the strings are rusted..ever since my house fire back in 2020, my family lost a lot, bu


Deeath in Raging

Summer Break

Finally the school year is coming to an end. That means I have 3 clean months of freedom to relax...well I hope. Although I know I'll be put to work, I know I'll be able to watch hella anime...so that pleases me a lot. I'm also going to my grandmothers for the summer, and her house is very fun, so that will be a nice break for me. My household is hell, and staying there all summer would be a pain in my arse.  What are your summer plans? 


Deeath in RAMBLING!!

Raging at video games

Jesus Christ, the more I notice how much I rage at video games, the more I worry for my well being...and the well being of others. Mostly for the fact I have met people who rage at video games harder than me, and it's...funny to say the least. People yelling things that I cannot say here on the forums, which are crude, lude, vulgar, degrading and much more.    (Funny how I say the same things when I rage)


Deeath in Raging

Posters I made in Animation & Graphic Design

Here are some posters I made in Animation & Graphic Design.  PLEASE DO NOT STEAL/REPOST/SELL I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO THESE BANDS/PEOPLE THIS IS PURELY FOR FANART/FAN MERCH (UNSELLABLE) Hope you guys like these posters, if you have any questions, please ask! (SOFTWARE/APPLIANCES) - Photoshop - Apple Mac Computer - Wacom Drawing Tablet Cheers!! 


Deeath in Metal Stuff

Writing a Review

Ok, so you all probably will not care, but to the 2-3 people who view my blog, GREAT NEWS!! I'm writing a metal review on Metal Archives, let's HOPE it doesn't get rejected like my last 2 reviews. Why the rejection? I struggle with being detailed and precise with my Reviews, so this one is going to be hella banger, as it always should be. I will put more thought into my review, and make this one good. 


Deeath in Metal Stuff

Late Introduction

Well now, since I forgot to make a Introduction to this blog, might as well make one now before I continue on with my madness or whatnot.  In this blog you'll find me speaking about random things, things that are on my mind or just...I don't know random sh1t. This blog has no true meaning other than it's a place for my random thoughts and stuff. Maybe you find interest in my madness/randomness, but if you don't well -- oh well, I guess. Sometimes I might do reviews on here, sometimes I migh


Deeath in Blog Introduction (Late)

Weird weather

Ok, time to ramble... The weather where I live is so weird, considering how it is winter and it has been POURING for days now, i'm a bit agitated...where's the snow? Why is it in the High 50's? COME ON NATURE!! COME ON!! DO YOUR THING!! Don't get me started on how the summer is like..back in May of 2016, the weather was freezing, so much that it began to snow and young me didn't care...BUT NOW I DO. One day it will 112 degrees, next day it will be below freezing. I swear, if you tell m


Deeath in RAMBLING!!

Sad Times

My god, after finishing March Comes in Like a Lion (3Gatsu No Lion), I honestly am at a lost for words. This anime tugged at my heart strings and made me shed a tear.  This is the first time in awhile I have cried at an Anime.  Other than the existential dread I felt after finishing Neon Genesis...    


Deeath in Anime Stuff

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