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About this blog

This was a fantastic trip, except...

Moving from Georgia to Washington state with the whole 5 member family packed into a single car was an experience! (that I confusingly can't tell if I want to do again...)

But now it was serious, Washington to Alaska, My first time flying.


Entries in this blog

Part 2

Hi and thanks for following up to part 2! Props to @Otaku for inspiration for my blog! Enjoy my suffering! 😢   I guess this is when I should've connected the dots about me being lactose intolerant because I guess I ate dairy ice cream-or something because I had bad bowel movements. (simplified: I had some bad poops) I loved the cabin we stayed in, but sadly it was more than an hour away from a store or gas station, meaning... THIN TOILET PAPER!!!!! I later got a bad rash (oof


Pangin1145 in Vacation

Part 1

This was hard to write, so enjoy!     There we are, at the airport. as we stepped inside I felt a rush of anxiety but also excitement. Looking at the massive crowds, loud beeps and ambient murmurs, it was scary to be honest. Fast forward and were in the plane, and it was amazing! I was surprised how much I needed to pop my ears (basically calibrating my ears to the incline). There we were! Alaska! We stepped out of the airport, and I noticed how green the foliage was! First w


Pangin1145 in Vacation

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