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  • Favourite Anime
    SPY X FAMILY, MEGALOBOX, Jujitsu Kaisen.
  • Favourite Genres
    Slice of Life
  • Favourite Characters
    Yor, Loid, Chopper, Luffy, Joe
  • Favourite Character Type
    Neko - Set 3


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    Family Comic Relief
  • Interests
    Playing racing games, reading manga, chilling with Jesus ;)
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Call of Duty 4, Red Dead Redemption, Forza Motorsport 4
  • Favorite Video Game Characters
    John Marston, Soap
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Xbox 360 S, Xbox One X

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  1. Yeah I believe One Piece hooked me in for a reason: Good writing
  2. Sorry i haven't posted anything in a while but i have something FOUL to tell you guys.... When you search up "anime body pillows" and such the explicit ones get blurred. But this is crazy. I'm a christian 11 yr, so I have no intent to do anything weird with a body pillow. And i like anime catgirls, so i wanted an anime catgirl body pillow (back off..) and found (blurred) lude versions of chocola and vanilla from nekopara. "That's fine right? There will be weird body pillows, that's just how it is!" Via the Nekopara wiki (link: https://nekopara.fandom.com/wiki/Chocola) we learn that the actual age for chocola is 9 months old.... MEANING THAT AMAZON IS LEGALLY PUTTING UNDERAGE P*** ON IT'S WEBSITE LIKE SHE'S NOT EVEN ONE!!!!!!! this is so foul I need to take a break oh my sweet apple... anyways here's the one i picked:
  3. slap you and @Sarada for throwing me and start eating a candy cane
  4. Enlisted is a fun ww2 game that's free
  5. I play CoD BO6 on the xbox one X, and I need some bois (and ghirlz) to play with! Leave your username and expect a friend request or send me a friend request. My username is GalacticSquid549 I play for fun, nothing sweaty. I don't rage and I might do some strategy every now and then. I use a pimped out AK-47 and C4s. Shout outs to @Otaku for being a great person!
  6. I'm playing CoD BO6 if you want to friend me or something!

  7. Die because we're both male also why do people keep throwing me at others
  8. I have no clue to be honest The game I described was Far Cry 2 by the way!
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