Part 2
Hi and thanks for following up to part 2! Props to @Otaku for inspiration for my blog! Enjoy my suffering!
I guess this is when I should've connected the dots about me being lactose intolerant because I guess I ate dairy ice cream-or something because I had bad bowel movements. (simplified: I had some bad poops)
I loved the cabin we stayed in, but sadly it was more than an hour away from a store or gas station, meaning... THIN TOILET PAPER!!!!!
I later got a bad rash (oof), and no good toilet paper to sooth or a least stop the horrible pain. My dad got me some medical cream for this type or rash, and we watched A Whisker Away.
We then changed cabins to a more industrial one about 30 mins away from the other cabin we stayed at and about less than an hour from shops and such. There was a TV there and I ruined it's YouTube by watching a bunch of SPY X FAMILY videos, I even left a note saying sorry for it! (also started Deathnote)
Here's where it went down.
We then took a tour bus to a glacier, it took some stops for breaks and snacks, we ate sushi! (it was fine, I guess)
Fast forward and we were at the glacier, we got special shoes and a helmet. This is when my head started to hurt, I don't how or why, but it did. Someone is touring through the massive glacier. All is good when I needed to use the restroom.
"because I had bad bowel movements..."
Luckily someone had a little of toilet paper in his backpack so didn't need to use a sock. *Very unpleasant moment later* And my headache came back, maybe due to altitude.
And my dad and I had to wait for someone who worked there to take us back. My dad later cut the underwear off of me, and my 2 sisters and my mother came back with glacier water (lucky). So they got a great memory and a souvinier* and I got an "at least it's over now..." memory and one less pair of underpants.
Twas the time to head back for Washington state. While we were leaving I forgot to eat breakfast and felt motion sick in the car trip to the airport. I still felt bad in the airport and my mom got me a Kids motion sickness tablet thingy and a PB and J. I took the tablet which made me feel worse which made me vomit which made me feel better.
After that we headed home and that ends my great (yet horrible) trip to Alaska!
What did you think? Was it good or bad?
(Were moving in from a rental to an actual house if you want something on that, Bu-Bye now!)
*spelled that wrong I know
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