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Status Updates posted by Riley_Uchiha

  1. is my hero acedemia overrated?

    (answers not involving fandom)


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Otaking66lives


      I come from the era when an anime series averaged 24-48 episodes total. Imho, anime usually stays strong at this length. After this, I've noticed they tend to become watered down. MHA is no exception. It, like many others, is too long for it's own good. You do not have to tell the entire manga story in a series. An anime series should wet your appetite for the contents of the manga. If you want more, look there. That's just my personal opinion...

    3. Kit


      no? Lol

    4. KaiyaSaysHaiya


      Ima have to say yes

      While yes, it is a great show, it wasn't enough to catch my attention and I'm still struggling to start S2

      There are so many amazing series that deserve the love that MHA gets (and I'm not saying MHA doesn't deserve the love)

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