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KaiyaSaysHaiya last won the day on December 26 2023

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  • Favourite Anime
    kimi ni todoke, howl's moving castle, the wind rises, when marnie was there etc.


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    vtubers (particularly nijiEN and the mofongo boys, ren zotto is my no.1 oshi 💚💚💚), drawing, music
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  • Favorite Video Game/Series
    Stardew Valley, FNAF franchise
  • Favorite Game Consoles
    Nintendo Switch

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  1. thank you!! yes, it's miku in the song rolling girl by wowaka
  2. thank you!! i'm happy with how they turned out (even if i didn't finish them, haha)
  3. god i haven't been on here in a while x_x but since it's been a year and three months? since i posted this, i thought it'd be fun to share some of my progress! here are some things i've been rlly proud of over the past few months or so, going from oldest (but still fairly recent) to the latest :DD you can tell i don't rlly enjoy drawing hair LMAO excuse the poor quality image on this one (the one above this text) i'm not quite done with it yet
  4. i haven't watched any anime besides i want to eat your pancreas and rewatching death note for MONTHS now. i haven't rlly been watching anime all year tbh 😭 i want to get back into it again, but it's so hard to find the motivation. it's hard to even indulge in my own interests atp. hopefully i'll start finding motivation again soon ^^

  5. monster! i definitely wouldn't say it's unknown or anything, but the anime deserves way more recognition than it gets
  6. i love nimona!! <33 i'm so happy netflix picked it up. it's such a beautiful movie, and as an LGBTQIA+ member, i think it's extra special.
  7. late happy birthday!!!! <33 hope your day was great ^^
  8. my favourite is definitely the first death note OP (the world - nightmare). i'm probably just biased because death note is my favourite anime, but i love the world https://youtu.be/D7MMMNTQ7H0?si=6VF3k8gR9TBlQdoG
  9. i'd have to say haikyuu. i'll be honest, i dropped it at like episode six so i didn't rlly give it a fair chance, but i was really struggling to get into it. its just kinda boring imo
  10. i want to beat your pancreas komi can communicate sword fart online howl's grooving castle (i changed too many letters but oh well) death tote
  11. definitely a snake! snakes are my favourite animal, they're so CUTEEEE!!!!! like, i see one in the wild and i just want to pick it up and give it head kisses. alas, that is obviously not a smart thing to do what is one thing you want to achieve?
  12. it's been five-six weeks and i've finally remembered to do this lol i finally watched i want to eat your pancreas! i've been meaning to watch it for like three years now, and i finally got there it was a beautiful anime
  13. i started watching mob psycho 100 and yuu yuu hakusho yesterday! not too fond of mob psycho, but i'm only a few episodes in so i'll keep watching. enjoying yuu yuu hakusho so far ^^
  14. i'd just like to apologise for some of my past responses to this thread. while i still stand by what i said, tha minors should not be sexualised in anime (or any media) my previous reasons were just stupid little things with nothing to back them up.
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