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PSB123 last won the day on August 27 2017

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  • Favourite Anime
    Code Geass, Clannad, HxH


  • Location
    Coventry, UK
  • Occupation
    Uni Student
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  1. PSB123


    Thank you for so many recs, and shoujo anime is anime that is usually directed at girls from the age of 13-18 and actually a lot of these like Kaichou Wa Maid Sama!!, Ouran Highschool Host Club etc are shoujos.
  2. Well it's really a cultural thing, i am from Portugal and everyone in Portugal does that but for example now i live in England so i just do the hug or handshake there because they are not used to my usual greeting.
  3. PSB123


    Thanks! Also would love some romance recommendations, preferably not shoujo unless you really think they're that good!
  4. If it's a guy friend i just do a handshake or a "personalized" one for some people, if it's a girl it's either a kiss on both cheeks, a handshake or a hug
  5. Ahh rip i'm guessing if i played on the na server it'd be really laggy too
  6. PSB123


    Yeah it was one of the first animes i watched, quite like it myself
  7. PSB123


    I do prefer if there is romance doesn't matter what kind of genre/setting it is, but yeah i'd say for manga's i've been enjoying the "Isekai" genre lately and as for animes i just watch any animes in the latest season that catch my eye.
  8. PSB123

    Any kind of manga

    Oh do they i didn't know about that! Thanks i'll give it a shot. Do you happen to know at which part they start to differ or should i just fully read it?
  9. i still use kissanime since it doesn't really bother me that much
  10. Have used and probably always will use Kissmanga and Kissanime until there is a way that i can watch and read all manga and anime on a single subscription which is likely never, and as the books and dvds are too expensive and unpractical i will continue to use those illegal websites.
  11. Cotton Candy is probably the devil, no one can stare into those blank eyes and not feel something evil lurking in the depths of her soul
  12. PSB123

    Any kind of manga

    Have fully read Koe no Katachi (One of my favourites) and have dropped Pandora Hearts for some reason
  13. PSB123


    Jesus man i have read and seen so many but here are some my favourites: Anime - Hunter x Hunter, Clannad: After Story, Haikyuu, Code Geass Manga - Vinland Saga, Oyasumi Punpun, Monster, Beck
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