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Everything posted by Varia

  1. Oh that's great! I've only got my hands on one of the movies and need to get my hands on the rest.
  2. I'm hoping you're asking what I thought about the quality of them, because that's what I'm about to answer lol, correct me if not. I think they were an interesting way to conclude the show with ending it on the central theme of the show, but it felt a bit rushed, and unfulfilling. To be fair, I've only finished the show and have yet to watch the movies, which I hope expand on the conclusion a bit more.
  3. UPDATE: I finished Evangelion on Thanksgiving night, not gonna put a review or spoilers here just figured I'd mention it.
  4. I'm gonna pick a bizarre answer here, but I'm going to have to go with Penguins. When was the last time you heard of something bad happening to Penguins? What countries eat Penguins? When a Penguin who lives on land grows to be an adult, they usually have little-to-no natural predators (According to the British Antarctic Survey). Penguins walk around, eat fish, swim, and that's it. They have it easier than WE do for Christ's sake!
  5. I'm on the verge of finishing the Evangelion T.V show, still need to watch the movies, but I'm going to watch the 2nd-to-last episodes tonight.
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