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Everything posted by TastyRaRamen

  1. I love that one 8/10 Hero's come back - Naruto Shippuuden 1st Opening song
  2. What is your favorite saga or arc. Mine is the cell saga I just like the androids, cell is like something out of a horror movie. And its the first time they start actually diving into their true sayan potential.
  3. To me nothing is more entertaining than anime. Its just so much fun to get to see a good story unfold. American shows do not have the same appeal. There is a certain flavor to the shows that comics don't have. I guess also because there is so many good ones, and I would rather be watching anime than be just sitting there trying to figure out what to watch. Plus I love the community, its a great way to meet people that have the same interests as you, and it helps in a way have something at least in common with people that you would not normally even notice.
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