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Posts posted by Kohloo

  1. When was the last time you bought something? What was it?

    About 30min ago. My prescription from the pharmacy. Ah sweet pain relief

    What would you do if Hannibal Lecter showed up at your door?

    Don't answer it

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  2. What's one memory from your early childhood that sticks with you?

    I was rushing down the stairs with a stack of CDs. They flew out of my hands and I dove down the stairs to try and catch them, belly flopped on the living room floor. Don't ask me why that sticks with me, I have no idea, it's weird.

    What would you do if somebody you cared about became the prime suspect in a murder case and the "solid proof" could have implicated somebody else instead?

    Probably be a useless, emotional idiot

    • Funny 2
  3. How much do you value money? For example, would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for 40 million dollars?

    I mean, if someone offered me a scenario like that, I'm not exactly going to say no( Honestly, I'd even do it for 1 million). I can think of some things I could do with that money (paying off my loan, for one thing. Buy some land in a woodsy area, build a cozy little home, finally be able to have my own vegetable garden, you get the idea)

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  4. What did you do for your last birthday?

    The parents of my bf at the time (now ex bf) got me a cake. Otherwise I would have done nothing. I'm not really the sort to do anything for my birthday. I can take it or leave it lol

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  5. I get along with my immediate family (parents and older brother) really well! I've just always had a really good relationship with them growing up. I've come to learn that my parents style of parenting isn't very common

    How uncommon is it?


    I broke it

    There's a family reunion about once a year. Every now and again we'll get together one or two other times during the year


    We both broke it

    • Funny 1
  6. Magic rainbow tycoon or Systematically color changing rainbow rabbit?

    Holy crap. How do I choose?

    Magic rainbow tycoon sounds more fun!

    Do you get along with your family? Why or why not?

    I get along with my immediate family (parents and older brother) really well! I've just always had a really good relationship with them growing up. I've come to learn that my parents style of parenting isn't very common


    I don't bother much with my extended family. I don't know anyone on my biological fathers side, everyone on my mum's side are greedy vultures. I love it when my step-dad's family comes around, but it's not that often because we all live scattered about the province and such

    • Like 2
  7. Very, very happy to hear this. :)

    I have to use both crutches when I'm out of the house, there's no question about that. But in the house I'm able to get around with one or no crutches because of the brace. I still use the one crutch because I was told to try and avoid putting weight on the injured knee until we find out whether or not the meniscus is damaged

    • Like 1
  8. How do you normally start a conversation with someone?

    Allow me to demonstrate

    *clears throat*




    For real though, I don't think I have a set routine for how I start a conversation. For online, sometimes (quite often) it will be very similar along the lines of what I demonstrated, or I'll notice something that I want to talk more in depth with someone one on one and I'll give them a shout. In real life, it's easier for me to jump into an already existing conversation rather than starting a new one.

    How well would you be able to handle yourself if you had omniscience? Would you break from the stress or be able to continue living your life?

    I'd probably have a complete an utter break down. I like to think I'd be able to handle it, but I know myself.

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  9. how.. is.. it.. GOING?!?

    I know it's been awhile since I've shown my face around here, let alone anywhere really lmao (status: Hermit) but I've been having life slap me in the face continuously this year of crap '17, but today I had some time to at least hop on and say 'Hi, how's everyone? Hope the AF family is all good'. I dont know when I'll be able to get back on a regular schedule for any community based stuffs but hopefully I will get some time this autumn to come back for a bit and see everyone again. Miss you guys and hope everything is going smoothly for everyone.

    Hiiiii, I'm glad to hear you're still kicking!

    Btw, I think I may have deleted you off of Discord. I didn't recognize the name and realized too late that it was probably you.

    Would love to catch up sometime!

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  10. Really fucking shitty. But, it could have been worse.


    I was walking into town today and I got hit by a bicycle from behind while going down a hill. I kissed pavement, baby. I really don't recommend romances with asphalt!

    So yeah, I got slammed down. My face hit the pavement, which has resulted in a fat, cut lip and a chipped tooth (of course it's the one I just got fixed a year ago). My palms are a little sore from trying to catch myself and my right elbow got skinned pretty darn good.

    The bicycle, and its rider, slammed into my right knee really hard. Hard enough, anyways, that I now have a torn MCL ligament and possible damage to the meniscus. I get the joy of walking with crutches and I get to add a real sexy knee brace to my fashion. I've been told (recommended strongly) to go get some physio done in about a week. I also have to wait for them to get back to me about seeing an orthopaedic surgeon so we can find out what's up with the meniscus.


    So yeah, you could say I've had an eventful day. I got to go for an ambulance ride, at least that was kind of cool.

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  11. You could've just knocked, you know. ;)

    Like this?

    *knocks THROUGH the door*


    I would give you nachoes, for the record. Like, I have a ton here. I'm totally not greedy at all.


    Errr, for the topic. I feel sleepy af, lol, loooong work day. DX

    I like sharing food :3

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