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LGBT should thank Florida's Governor among others.


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We should thank Tennessee and Florida's governor for all their hard work for the LGBT+ community. Because of them the subject keeps being in the news and he basically everyone sees it's an important issue. Also they basically forced Disney to stop dipping their toe in the pool and come out as Pride friendly. And now the governor is thinking of putting a prison next door to Disneyworld because nothing says straight like a bunch of same sex people forced to share a cell until... ahem.  I mean you'd have to be a complete idiot not to have seen this coming. Pandora don't open this box. Eve, don't eat this apple. Florida, don't say gay. Who has a rainbow flag that reads Desantis 2024? Fly them in the Pride Parades and tell him how much we love him and support him for president. He'll love that. Oh and send him thank you cards with opictures of Bugs Bunny in drag on them... him and the Tennessee guy. 





Edited by Clayton
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