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Giant Robots vs Kaiju


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Not since Pirates vs Ninjas and Zombies vs Unicorns had there been such a debate as Kaiju (Giant mOnsters0 vs Giant Robots. Why do you like one or the other or both? Which is superior? Who would win in a fight? (As a whole or on an individual level). Why do you think that?(Note: Must be at least 20 feet tall) 

In this corner ranging from the dawn of time to modern science the kaiju. Giant beasts that roam the land, possibly intelligent or mere animals they are powerful enough to challenge even the gods themselves. Originally appearing like men in rubber suits they have evolved, ironically through CGI. 

There's a 50 Foot Woman In My Pool on Make a GIF






In the other corner giant robots, made by man (or stolen from alien tech by man) they are usually brainless because let's face it Terminators are bad enough without being the size of skyscrapers. They used to look like men in plastic suits and spray painted cardboard, now they can be nearly organic. 








Edited by Clayton
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my only point of reference is the pacific rim movies and anime and the kong vs godzilla movie

on one hand we  see in the pacific rim universe that the mechas and kaijus are basically in a stalemate , while even mark 1 jaegers (mechas) can take care and dominate cat 1 to 3 kaijus , somehow mark 4 and 5 jaegers are basically on even ground with cat 4 kaijus  and on the losing end with cat 5's so there is a point where the kaiju power creep is too high for the jaegers but there are cases where dumber cat 4 kaijus and even multiple of them werent able to dispatch a weaker decomissioned mark 3 jaeger but its not to say the jaeger did anything too it was just evading the whole time so i guess jagers have the speed feats on the kaijus and kaijus cat 4 and up have the strength over jaegers up to mark 5 ,

intelligence is another thing entirely since jaegers can adapt on the fly and have sensors and sometimes an AI while kaijus can only adapt by sending data to the hivemind and to be created to be better from the data collected in the next kaiju thats gonna be deployed other than that they only have their animal instincts and like medium maybe low-high human intelligence, in comparison the jaeger pilots are geniuses and prodigies the best of the human race,

now we do see in kong vs godzilla that a kaiju-mecha is a formidable opponent for kaijusm, basically lets make the mecha into an animal and remove human pilots then we're gonna body kaijus

hope this gets you to a conclusion youre satisfied with or in the least left you with more questions hahahaha, also #teammecha

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On 10/5/2023 at 2:59 PM, Rhyias said:

my only point of reference is the pacific rim movies and anime and the kong vs godzilla movie

on one hand we  see in the pacific rim universe that the mechas and kaijus are basically in a stalemate , while even mark 1 jaegers (mechas) can take care and dominate cat 1 to 3 kaijus , somehow mark 4 and 5 jaegers are basically on even ground with cat 4 kaijus  and on the losing end with cat 5's so there is a point where the kaiju power creep is too high for the jaegers but there are cases where dumber cat 4 kaijus and even multiple of them werent able to dispatch a weaker decomissioned mark 3 jaeger but its not to say the jaeger did anything too it was just evading the whole time so i guess jagers have the speed feats on the kaijus and kaijus cat 4 and up have the strength over jaegers up to mark 5 ,

intelligence is another thing entirely since jaegers can adapt on the fly and have sensors and sometimes an AI while kaijus can only adapt by sending data to the hivemind and to be created to be better from the data collected in the next kaiju thats gonna be deployed other than that they only have their animal instincts and like medium maybe low-high human intelligence, in comparison the jaeger pilots are geniuses and prodigies the best of the human race,

now we do see in kong vs godzilla that a kaiju-mecha is a formidable opponent for kaijusm, basically lets make the mecha into an animal and remove human pilots then we're gonna body kaijus

hope this gets you to a conclusion youre satisfied with or in the least left you with more questions hahahaha, also #teammecha

That's your only reference for giant robots or giant monsters? No Voltron or Power Rangers?



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15 hours ago, Clayton said:

That's your only reference for giant robots or giant monsters? No Voltron or Power Rangers?



yes im not a fossil from the pre cambrian jk, i just wont cite those because ive seen like a total of 3hrs of content from both, a couple episodes from voltron when i was still being bottlefed and 2 books about the power rangers in elementary, just was brought up in a different era is all  and my output based on material im not too familiar with would be disrespectful


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