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Action anime


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28 minutes ago, サニー・ロイ said:

I am in need for some action anime the the last Action packed anime I watched was One punch man and it was great so can anyone suggest me some action anime??

i guss you saw it butt ill say any way:

Naruto, Bleach, Inuyasha (especily season 2) , blue exorcist,Noragami 

haha sorry i dont have more i love it more supernatoral\ godes\demones\romace :)


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I don't know how frequently they fight in this one, but the fights they do have are pretty stellar. Mob Psycho 100

and My Hero Academia's fights are pretty incredible as well, and also don't take an entire season like Naruto or Bleach (both shows make it hard to watch AND have a social life at the same time) also Sword Art Online has some pretty emotional fights supported by an intriguing story, though I wouldn't venture past Episode 15 for the sake of being disappointed by a lackluster plot afterwards.

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