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Thoughts, opinions, and ramblings from the wizened neighborhood cat.  Topics include Animation, Video Games, Novels, Writing, and Every Day Ramblings. 

Entries in this blog

Worst Luck Ever

So, lately bad luck just seems to be stalking me...like a yandere nipping at my heels. Well, now my car won't start. I suppose the silver lining is that I wasn't 400 miles away. Doesn't make the cost to fix it any easier to swallow. This seems to be one thing after another for me. What could happen next?   Guess I am home bound until my husband is done teaching class. At least the kittens are loving this turn of events. 



Another Kitten for Raising...

Wow, today was a really long day.  First, I woke up and assisted my husband with a rescue diving class.  Usually I am in the water as a victim, but since my last box of contacts had some issues (I think they were contaminated.  I got eye infections from using them twice.  Had to be a bad batch.  Never had an eye infection before in my life till then!), and he had another divemaster in the water, I instead stuck with surface support and shore work.  Even so, I almost stayed behind to listen to le



A Kitten for Raising

So, recently our sweet Nighthawk (who trusts us to give her food but that's about it) gave birth to her second litter of the year in our own backyard.  Nighthawk has been with us...for quite a while now.  Back in the day, when the fox was hunting Momma Cat's kittens, I ended up saving the three that were left (sadly, I didn't check our front door the night before for the first kitten   ) which became our sweet little girls.  I thought that would be the last time that I raised a kitten.  I though



Wow, I never knew...

This has been one crazy bumpy trip for me over the past several months.  I left my job with no promise of a new job and so far, I've had fairly terrible luck in landing one.  Let me give you a bit of history.  The place I was previously working for four years suffered greatly from certain individuals blatantly abusing their authority, retaliating against anyone who would dare speak the truth in the multiple investigations that occurred (four in four years...unheard of, yet the higher ups continu



I just can't sleep...

Well, this time I've done it to myself.  So while I am in between jobs (my choice--I feel like I was being driven out but it is just as well. I needed to focus on redirecting my career anyways and I was putting too much of my own self and energy into that job for no benefits, no promotions, and not even any gratitude from the ones who got promoted from my hard work) I have slowly but surely (even though I tried not to let myself do it) gone back to being a night owl.  You heard that right folks.



The Ups and Downs of Writing

So, like many of you out there, I do enjoy a good book and some day, I hope I can sit down and enjoy reading a book I wrote on my own.  Does anyone else out there have a dream like that?  I've been writing stories ever since I was in middle school and I am forever thankful that I had an AMAZING mom who took the time out of her busy days after work to sit down with me and teach me to read all by herself, just because I asked her to.  Yep, I was reading before I even got into kindergarten and by t



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