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Cleaning my guitar, my strings are rusted.



Actually pretty annoyed at the moment. My guitar is my pride and joy, and when I was 13 I wrote on it in permanent marker, so of course I began cleaning it, and tried making it look fresh...the marker faded, but hasn't come off. That's the 1st issue...the 2nd issue is that, for over 2 years now I've been wondering why my guitar won't tune right and always sounds a little...off when you play it. Spoiler alert, the strings are rusted..ever since my house fire back in 2020, my family lost a lot, but lucky me, my guitar came out safe...so I thought. 

The body of the guitar is perfectly fine, no damages other than a few scratches that are barely noticeable, and the DAMN permanent marker...but the strings are a different story. So now me and my family have to invest in some new strings (which cost a pretty penny tbh) and a new will to live. 

Side Rant
Did I tell you guys that I lost my amp too? After the fire, it worked perfectly fine. Until one day I was up in my room, I plugged it in, getting ready to see how it sounded with my janky stringed guitar, and then...it started to smoke. Yes, my amp was practically burning itself up on the inside, and I was confused as hell...so it's been sitting outside for over 5 months, destroyed by now from weather damage I suppose...not like it wasn't already broken...

So not only did I lose my amp, my guitar strings, but my will to live as well. If you don't already know, my guitar is like my child, and to see it damaged like this actually makes me frustrated and disappointed. 
All I know is that...it's gonna cost some money to get this stuff figured out. 


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I don't have a guitar but I'd be totally gutted if anything happened to the model railway I've spent the last 4 years building, many of the locos are scratchbuilt by me from plastic card and thus irreplaceable. So I understand your pain and distress.


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What guitar strings you using? The case of your amp is unfortunate, but there's cheaper alternatives for guitar strings, some specifically made for beginners ergo they have a significantly lower price point. It seems to me you haven't changed your strings in years, which is already a no-go for most guitarists (ideal is a string change every 2 months or so, and that's being generous). Judging from what you've written, I'm also assuming that you're just starting out, cause as much as I understand being attached to your instrument, being crazy about rusted strings isn't something I've noticed in any guitar player I closely follow. 

Lastly, if you genuinely can't afford any brand of guitar strings, being able to play electric guitar is the last thing you should be worried about. 

Edited by TobiGotGrenades
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3 hours ago, TobiGotGrenades said:

What guitar strings you using? The case of your amp is unfortunate, but there's cheaper alternatives for guitar strings, some specifically made for beginners ergo they have a significantly lower price point. It seems to me you haven't changed your strings in years, which is already a no-go for most guitarists (ideal is a string change every 2 months or so, and that's being generous). Judging from what you've written, I'm also assuming that you're just starting out, cause as much as I understand being attached to your instrument, being crazy about rusted strings isn't something I've noticed in any guitar player I closely follow. 

Lastly, if you genuinely can't afford any brand of guitar strings, being able to play electric guitar is the last thing you should be worried about. 

I've been playing guitar since I was 12 (i'm now 17) but the only reason why I'm so eagerly attached to my instrument, is because this was pricey and I love music. I'm crazy about the strings because i've taken care of my guitar for years now, and doing closer inspection, the strings are badly rusted. 

Right now I own a Stagg. And usually string changes depends on how often you play...my mother is a guitarist and has taught me things as well. Yes, you should change your strings around the 3 month mark, but it also depends on how much you play. And ever since I got out of my band (which was only just rehearsals) I stopped playing as much, so I never thought about changing my strings often. 

In the past, It was never a problem. Instruments are not cheap, thus why i'm crazy about any damages to my guitar that was over 900$. 

I like your argument, but it's valid to take into consideration the person's perspective before just throwing out comments. And assuming that people can't afford things. I am eventually getting new strings for the guitar, thanks to my grandma's boyfriend who's been playing guitar for over 35 years. 

From your comment, you like to assume a lot. If you want to be helpful and not come off as dickish, perhaps be less assuming. 

But your comment is appreciated! 

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I apologize if I came across that way, and the assumptions were made because your original post lacked in essential details for my response to be somewhat helpful. Otherwise, your story/perspective/anecdote, at face value, didn't make sense to me. I didn't assume that everyone could afford guitar strings either. But if you can't afford a $4 dollar monthly expense, you've got bigger things to worry about, which to me seems reasonable enough of an explanation. 

It's obvious that I was wrong about you being a beginner, but I see your point overall.

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I know it's not my place to comment but I do see both sides of the conversations in way. The loosing of your musical equipment is definitely gutting. And Tobi your messages have been coming across pretty passive aggressive. From personal experience I understand feeling so attached to your instruments and from what I know of you D, you do love your music. From what I get on the string situation as both you know they are meant to be changed regular enough (every couple of months) but I do agree with D on the point it does depend on how much you play it. My dad's old electric guitar has some pretty serious rusting from years of not being played or well kept, and it would cost a pretty penny to fix. On the matter of strings though, here in Ireland a "cheap" pair of strings is at least 15 euro which is like 16 dollars. Having them break or get old is a serious dampener on the wallet and heart. 

Either way there's no room in this community for passive aggressiveness from either party, we're a community here to discuss our common interests and make friends, not enemies. Nobody can judge each other and nobody knows each other's situations. D if music is your passion keep rocking and I wish you the best and hope your family is alright. 

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